Part 83: Spaghetti

Start from the beginning

"Fuck..." Tom panted, looking up at you.

"Come back here," he grunted.  You just stood in front of him, smiling devilishly.  He started bouncing in the chair, trying to move it towards you.  He rocked it some, causing it to scoot forward some more.  Then he rocked it some more and sent the chair falling backwards, slamming onto the floor, crushing his hands.

"Ow! Fuck! Spaghetti! Spaghetti!" he screamed.

"Oh shit!" you sprinted over and helped him back up.  He was wincing and shaking his head.  You untied him and he brought his hands together, flexing them, rubbing his wrists.

"I'm sorry, Tiger, you okay?" you brushed some hair out of his eyes and gave him a pouty look.
He looked up at you and frowned.  Shit, you thought, maybe I took that too far.

"Who's 'Tiger'?" he snarled and grabbed your hips roughly, bringing you back down onto him. You gasped, his hands, finally back in action, tickled and squeezed and pinched all over you.  He smacked your ass, hard too, and held you firmly while he rocked himself inside of you.  You let him have control.  It was only fair you take turns.

You leaned your forehead against his, breathing heavily into his face, your hands resting on his shoulders.  You could feel the sweat on his brow, the same sweat that was trickling down his stomach.

He placed his hand on the back of your head and smashed his lips against yours.  His other paw still roughly clutching your hip, moving you back and forth.  He broke the kiss and moved his fingers down and started rubbing you in small circles.

You gasped again and dug your nails into his shoulders.  His lips were curled and his eyes shined, watching you.

You didn't know who he was supposed to be now.  Hell, you didn't care.  He could be Ronald Fucking McDonald as long as he kept touching you like that.

"Now you're going to do exactly what I say, aren't you?" he said through gritted teeth.  He punctuated each word with a thrust and a stroke. Okay, Ronald McDonald he was not.  Unless Ronald was a sadist.  Jury's still out on that.

You couldn't even answer him.  Your brain seemed disconnected from your mouth.  Your blood was occupied in other places.  All you could do was nod and moan and hang onto him.

"Aren't you?" his voice louder.

Words. Speak, Y/N. Words.

"Yes, Tiger...," you managed to say but it came out more like a squeak.

"Not Tiger," he grunted, giving your ass a slap so hard, your eyes welled up with tears.

You nodded again, biting your lip.  You were getting closer, and it must have shown all over your face, because suddenly Scary Sexy Tom or whoever he was supposed to be, stopped everything and just sat there, smiling fiendishly.

"What? no - don't stop," you breathed, clinging to his shoulders.  You tried to move your hips, but he held you firmly in place, that fucker.

"You seem to think you're the one in charge here," Tom smirked, throwing your own words back to you.

"What do you want?" you whimpered.  He was driving you crazy with this act.

Tom smiled at you darkly and relaxed his grip on your hips.  He leaned in and started kissing your neck.  His hot breath sizzled against your skin.  He ran a tongue up to your ear and starting moving again beneath you.  He nipped at your lobe and growled.

"I want you to come for me really," he bit your neck, "really...," he pushed against you,"...hard," he whispered.

And just like that, Scary Sexy Tom was gone and your Tom was back with you, holding you gently, kissing your shoulder and urging you on.

"Come on, baby," he said pressing his forehead against yours, while he rocked with you.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and let yourself go.  He pulled you tight against his chest, holding you close.

"That's it, baby," he moaned, every muscle in his body was tense and taut.  You kissed him as he finished and he slipped a hand behind your head, cradling it so sweetly.  Scary Sexy Tom was great and all but nothing could match your Tom, your Tiger.

"Wow, Tiger," you said, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, Wow," he smiled crookedly at you, "Mmmmmm " he buried his face in your neck and breathed you in.

"I can't move," you laughed.  It was true.  Your thighs were like jelly.  You were basically doing squats the whole time.

"Don't move," his said, his voice muffled against your neck, "Let's just stay right here."
You leaned your head on his shoulder.

"But I'm hungry and need a shower now," you sighed.

"Fuck yes, I'm starving," he groaned.

"Should we order in?  What are you in the mood for?"  you asked, lifting your head to look at him.

He smiled and smacked your ass one more time.


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