Part 53: Tell Him

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Your eyes widened

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Your eyes widened.  Suddenly all the moisture left your mouth.  You licked your lips and reached for Tom's mug of tea, taking a sip.  Fuck, that was sweet.

Well, there it was, you thought.  He said it.  He actually said it, and to you this time.  He said he loved you and you're just sitting there freaking out, Y/N.  Say something.

"I ...uh," you struggled with the words.  Why was this so fucking hard for you?  It's just words. You're kidding, right?  Just words?  Your track record isn't exactly great with guys you loved.  This one was different.  Don't fuck this up, Y/N.

"It's okay," Tom said, bending down to kiss you.  You welcomed it, relieved that it kept your mouth occupied.  You felt like a dipshit.  You should say something.  He deserved to hear it.  And you did love him, didn't you?  Tom pulled away and frowned.

"Hey, that's my shirt."

You looked down and smiled.

"What do you know about AC/DC?" you teased.

"I know that's my shirt and I want it back."  He yanked on the shirt and you nearly fell off the stool but not before he caught you in his strong arms and steadied you.

"Careful, Tiger-" you scolded him but his lips were on yours before you could finish.  His hands roamed up your shirt...his shirt.

"I need you to keep me from falling asleep," he spoke, still kissing you.  His hands found their way down, gripping your waist.

"Whatever can I do to keep you awake?" you purred, tugging on his Calvins.

Tom pulled his shirt off of you, and lifted you off the stool.

"You're very clever.  I think you'll figure it out," he grinned then hoisted you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom.

"Put me down!," you squealed, punching his back halfheartedly.

"Yes, ma'am," he said dropping you onto the bed and panting.

"Wow, you're heavy," he chuckled, putting his hands on his hips.

"Don't be a dick," you said making a face.

"Sorry, love," he said crawling on top of you, "won't let it happen again."

He pressed himself against you, sinking into your lips.  You returned his kiss, holding him so tightly like he may just fly away if you let go.  He was everything and he was yours and you were his. Tell him.

Your kiss deepened, your heart hammered in your chest.  You loved him, there was no questioning it anymore.  Tell him.

You wanted him to be with you, like this, always.  To have him touch you, hold you, laugh with you.  If you're going to be honest, you've never been happier.  And if you're going to be completely honest, you'd given up on love long ago.  It was all so overwhelming.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Tom stopped to look at you, face full of worry.  You didn't even know you were crying, but sure enough tears snuck out of the corner of your eyes.  You wiped them away embarrassed.  So not sexy, Y/N.

"Sorry, I'm just...," you gave a little nervous laugh.

You just what?  Tell him.

Tom brushed a strand of hair from your eyes, coaxing you.  You knew what he was doing.  You knew he needed to hear it.  Remember, he was just as scared at getting hurt, but had the balls to tell you he loved you.  Grow some balls, Y/N.

"It's just, I love you so much and I don't ever want this feeling to end." you exhaled, a sense of relief washed over you.  There, you did it, and look, he hasn't disappeared.

Tom smiled slowly and just gazed at you for what seemed like an eternity.  Your heart continued to race, and the room was so silent, you wondered if he could hear it.  Surely he could feel it.  His heart was right on top of yours.

Finally, he stirred, his hand tracing the curves of your calf...thigh...hip... He lowered his mouth against yours, and there was something about that kiss.  Like something had been locked away and was now free to explore.

His hand lingered on your waist...breast...neck, until it cupped your face.  Your fingers danced over the strong muscles of his back, dipping down to that sweet ass of his.  They found the waistband of his Calvins and slowly pulled them down.  His hand flew down to your breast again and squeezed.  His tongue slipped inside your mouth with a soft growl.  My Tiger, you thought.

Your tongue met his and you pulled your own panties off with one hand, wiggling out of them until finally there was nothing between you two but flesh.  And then he took you passionately but tenderly, his lips still locked on yours. You arched your back, welcoming him with a soft moan.  In his touch was warmth and love and truth.  A remedy for a wreck such as yourself.

He pulled his lips from yours and whispered with halted breaths, "Say it again."

This time, there was no hesitation.

"I love you."

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