Chapter four

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After work I still had to go to the supermarket. 

I went in with hope, that I wouldn't meet anyone, who I know.

Luckily, 10 minutes later I got out without seeing anyone familiar.

I needed some fresh air, so I went to the park. 

I sat down on a bench and started to think about Andy again. 

Big mistake. 

Of course I started to cry again. 

I closed my eyes and just sat there. 

Suddenly I felt a shoulder next to mine. 

I opened my eyes and Mr. Shue sat next to me. 

"Mr. Shue... ahm.." I sniffed "can I help you?"

"No, miss Dunphy, but I think you need some help." 


"Do you want to come with me? We could cook something and you could tell me, why you're so sad, that this silly guy left you."

I started to giggle. I didn't know why, but I think I looked like a real wreck, when even my boss asked to comfort me. 

"Yes, why not."  I answered with a very bored voice. 

I knew, that even my boss, who I'm really scared of, couldn't distract me. 

Mr. Shues flat was really big and decent. It had white walls, a white couch and only white furniture. 

We unpacked my shopping and started to cook. It wasn't romantic or anything, but it actually was pretty comfortable and kinda distracted me. 

"Why did you invite me? You don't even like me." I asked after a while. 

"Why do you think, I don't like you?"

"I don't know. You always seem angry at me.

"I'm definitely not angry at you, I just don't like, when you cry!"

I was shocked for a second.

"I mean..ähm.. when anyone of my employees cries." he stammers. 

Am I wrong or did he just blush?  

I didn't know what to say. 

I literally was speechless.  

Luckily the alarm clock started to cheep that moment. 

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