Makoto Tachibana [Free!]

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1. Buy him a cat

2. Don't kill a cat in front of him

(Black butler's Sebastian will kill you too)

3. Stop Haru like what he does

4. Don't make him feel sad

5. Smile always

6. Support him

7. Always be by his side (Except if he's gonna piss or pee..or don't want that....)

8. Not seriously "always" by his side.. You might be mistaken as a stalker

9. Compliment his eyes

10. and hair..

11. His Killer whale too..

12. compliment his swimming trunks too

13. Cheer him up if he feels down (Even nice/gentle senpai's needs someone nice to them too ya'know)

14. For more tips: Ask Haru

15. or a Killer Whale...

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