Prizes?! 001

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(Y/N) Pov:

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I instantly dragged myself out of bed. Folding the blanket in half. Another day at my tea shop that my grandpa left for me. He was so nice and I can't let him down! I grabbed my clothes from my closet and stripped my pjs off. Then changing into the clothes I picked. An outfit with black colored pants and hoodie also a pair of converse. "Mom I'm going to work!" I shouted as I got out of the house. Maybe if I just open the shop early today I'll get more customers. When I walked 3 blocks down to the tea shop I saw a line filled with girls just right outside of the coffee shop.

I opened the tea shop and the bell rang when I entered. Put the open sign up and turned the lights on. The next thing I heard was the bell ringing as if customers has came in. I glanced at the door and a guy came in. "Can I have a seat here?" he asked. I nodded and he sat near the side window of the shop. "Do you want anything?" I asked. "Yeah, give me a cup of green tea~" he said. I nodded and went to the counter where all the supplies were at. I boiled some hot water when trying to find the green tea leaves. After when the tea was hot enough I started to prepare the tea. "Your tea is done sir~" I said as I walked towards his direction. "Mind if you sit down?" he said. "Um...ok." I said as I seat down in front of him. "(Your Nickname) it's Cheng Cheng~" he said as he pulled his mask off. "Oh my, you have grown a lot since I last saw you~" I said. "Where do you work?" I asked. "Next door, that coffee shop~" he said as he started to blow his tea. "I still prefer tea over coffee even though I work at a coffee shop~" he said. "How much is this tea" he asked. "It's free for you because it's nice to see you again~" I said.

"I need to go now (Your Nickname)~" he said. He placed 400 yuan on the table. "Take the money back Cheng Cheng~" I said. "It's fine (Your Nickname)~" he said as he opened the door. "Now I need to work~" he said. Cheng Cheng sure grew a lot since the last time I've seen him.

~Time Skip~

Lunch break there was only about 20 customers till now. Even though in front of my shop is crowded they're all just going to the next door coffee shop. What's so good about coffee anyways? I know Cheng Cheng works there....I have an idea~ I'm gonna go to that coffee shop and see what's the hype. I hope they have sweets because I'm not ordering coffee anytime there. I turned the open sign to close and walked to the long line. Let's see what's happening. "Oh hey~" I said to the person in front of me.

"Hey~" she said. "What's the hype here?" I asked. "My friend just dragged me here because of some unknown reason." she said. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I wanted to see what is the hype here." I said. "Plus I kinda prefer tea than coffee~" I said. "Same~" she said. "Well I rather go to that tea shop~" she said as she pointed at my tea shop. "That's my tea shop~" I said while giggling. "Oh~" she said speechless. "I'm gonna come here sometimes~" she said. "Well, I'll be happy to serve you~" I said. "Name is 林鹿鹿 ( lín lù lù)" she said. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)~" I said. "You wanna sit together in the coffee shop?" she asked. "Sure~" I said gladly.

About 20 minutes later me and lin lu lu got into the coffee shop and apparently girls are screaming and giggling. What the hell is going on in here. Me and lulu got seats and we sat down. "Let's see what they have~" I said as I grabbed the menu. "They have mocha flavored cake~" I said. "What are you ordering?" I asked. "Macaroons~" she said. I nodded to her response. "You?" she asked. "Mocha flavored cake~" I said. "I heard my friend said that is a good slice of cake~" she said. "Waiter!" I heard Lulu shout. "Yes ladies~" he said. I turned around to see a guy with circle shaped glasses. Oh god....I totally have a thing for guys who can pull off glasses~ I feel my face heating up. "What would you ladies want for today?" he asked. "Mocha flavored cake and macaroons~" Lulu said. I saw him writing it down on his notepad. I saw a tag on his uniform. Zhu ZhengTing. "You really stand out~" he said while looking at me. "What makes me stand out?" I questioned. "You're the only girl wearing dark colors~" he said. "Is there something wrong with that?" I asked. "Oh it's nothing~" he said. "Ladies your orders will be here soon~" he said as he walked away. "Is this a fan service cafe or something?" I said. "It is~" I heard someone said. I turned around to see another guy. I saw his tag Cai XuKun. He winked and walked away.

When is my food coming!! So this is the hype literally guys. "Miss your order is here a slice of mocha flavored cake~" another guy said. "Also here is something we give if you order a slice of mocha cake on the right day~" he said. "Can I take your hood off?" he asked. I nodded and he took my hood of. Then he placed a pair of cat ears on my head. "Your name is Justin right according to your tag." I said. He nodded. "Any other questions?" he asked. "If I order the right things on the right day will the prize be different each time?" I asked. "Yeah~" he said. I nodded and I started to eat my slice of cake.

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What prizes would you guys want (*cough* I can make them happen)?

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