"Like what?"

"Women stuff you won't want to hear about" Kristen giggled.

"Leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done. I kept telling myself I didn't want anything to do with you. When your dad first put you in my arms, you were about two months old. I got scared, I knew then that I loved you for sure and I hated feeling like that."

"Dad told me that story."

"Yeah, I'm sure he did. Anyway, I didn't see you for about 2 years after that where I saw you guys at a park. Your dad didn't want me near you, it was around that time I started regretting everything and by that time it was too late. The damage had been done."

"Dad said I asked you to play with Me?"

Kristen laughed. "Yes, you did. You were so cute about it, I didn't have a chance to say anything back because your dad told you I had to leave. All I wanted was to hold you and never let you go. But I also realized I did the best thing for you. You had a chance at a good life with your father. Something, you wouldn't have had with me."

"So where do the girls come into the equation?"

"Well, Bella and Ava are adopted. Ava is 7 and she was 4 when I adopted her. Bella is 5 and I adopted her when she was 3 and that leaves my baby Naveah, she was through invitro. I laugh when I think of how when I had you I said I never wanted to go through that pain again. But eventually, I found myself wanting to go through a pregnancy and actually enjoy it this time. I got pregnant with Naveah and now she's a year old. She's my miracle baby."

"That's great mom. I need to know, do you want me in your life?"

"I've always wanted that Carson. But the question is, do you want to be? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I abandoned you."

"Can I have time to think about It? This is a lot to take in."

"Of course, well I should probably get back inside before they destroy the house." Kristen lightly giggled.

"Can I meet them? Be nice to know my sister's."

"Yeah, of course, come on" Kristen stuttered kind of taken aback. She headed back into the house and to the living room where the girls were playing.

"Hey girls, there is someone I would like you to meet. This is your brother Carson."

"Hi Carson!" The girls said in unison. Ava got up and went over to the two of them looking confused.

"Did mommy adopt you too?" She asked innocently.

Carson looked his mother not sure what to say. He was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

"No honey, he is not adopted" Kristen spoke. "You remember how Naveah came from my tummy?"


"Well, the same thing for Carson. He just didn't live with us."

"Oh ok!" The little girl ran back to her toys.

"It's hard to explain to a 7-year-old. Anyway, tell me this" Kristen said as she turned around and headed towards the kitchen. It was the same kitchen where she had told Rob she was giving him custody of Carson. "How was your life with him?"

"Good, I mean we played baseball, I went on dates. I mean I had a somewhat normal childhood. Dad was overprotective and told me to never go into the acting business."

"That's what I wanted for you Carson, a chance. I could never have given you a good life. I was so unstable and afraid of losing someone that I ended up losing anyway that I don't think I could have taken care of you. Yes, I could love you but I don't think I could have ever brought myself to take care of you."

"If you want to know mom, I'm not mad you. I forgive you."

Kristen burst into tears while trying to make it look like she wasn't crying.

"I can't imagine what it would have been like to be in your situation. You did what you thought was best. I can't be mad at you for that."

"Thank you," Kristen stuttered. "Thank you so much." Then she did something she had been wanting to do for years. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. Never wanting the moment to end.

That night Carson decided it was time to leave.

"Well, I'm going to go before dad worries." Carson chuckled.

"Alright, thank you for spending time with the girls. You can come over any time or however, you want to do this. We will go slow alright. Tell your dad hi for me and also another thing"


"Tell him thank you. He did a great job with you and I can't thank him enough."

"Thanks, mom, that means a lot."

Kristen shut the door and smiled. She was finally going to have a relationship with her son and that's all she could ask for.


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