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16 years later

The years had flown by and Carson had grown up into a fine young man. It had always been him and his dad all these years, but he was curious about his mother. Why didn't she want him?

Rob had never really discussed Kristen with him, but on his 18th birthday gave him her contact info and he could choose if he wanted to meet her or not. It was only the right thing to do.

It was a few weeks later when Carson decided to get himself some answers. He found himself walking up the driveway of his mother's house, unprepared to meet her. She would be over 40 now and she had most likely moved on.

He couldn't help but feel broken hearted and a pang of jealousy when the door opened. There stood what he assumed to be his mother with a toddler on her hip. The sound of children laughing could be heard from behind her.

"Can I help you?"

"Don't you know who I am?"

"Should I?"

"Your Kristen right?"

"Yes..." She cocked her head to one side trying to keep a hold on the toddler that was squirming to get away from her. "Ok baby girl why don't you go play with your sisters ok? Go play with Ava and Bella alright?" She sat the little girl on the ground and watched as she ran away. "Girls, Naveah is going to play with you, I have to talk to this guy." She walked out of the house closing the door behind her.

"I know you probably don't remember me but my name is Carson, my dad's name is Robert."

Kristen's eyes widened in realization. This was her son. "Oh, my god," she whispered. "It's been so long..."

"Yeah, like 16 years since you've seen me according to dad."

"Yeah, he didn't want me around. Don't blame him." Kristen mumbled feeling a little awkward

"So I've seen you have moved on"

"Carson, life couldn't just stand still forever. I had too. I don't know how much your dad told you about the situation but I needed to move on."

"He told me you didn't want me. Is that true?"

Kristen sighed before taking a seat on the steps. "At that time yes, do you really want to know the full story?"

"I want to hear your side of it because I'm sure dad didn't tell me everything."

"Your dad and I met when I was a teen. We did a movie franchise together. We were together for almost 5 years. But then, there was a cheating scandal and we were forced apart. I went on to date women, your dad dated and was supposedly engaged to a woman. Gold digging bitch. Anyway, about 5 years later I was dating Stella, oh god I loved her. I had to go to New Orleans and she was going to meet me later. One thing led to another, we were drunk and I ended up pregnant with you."

"That must have been hard."

"Yeah, I'm going to be completely honest with you but please let me explain."

Carson nodded his head.

"I did hate you, or at least I thought I did. Looking back now I think I just hated the entire situation but I blamed you. I was finally over your father and then all the sudden I was pregnant with his child. I almost lost Stella because of it. I almost aborted you, but I couldn't do it. I was so lost and scared. I signed over my rights to your dad and he took you right from the hospital."

"Do you regret it?"

"Every day of my life. I never knew it would be so hard. I thought it would be easy to just walk away from you, but I never considered the reminders I would have for a long time after it."

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