I can tell he's getting slightly irritated with me and says "Okay Princess listen to me. How do you think you'll be able to raise her, huh? Have you even told your parents yet?" Erik waits for me to answer but gets it by the look on my face.

I hadn't.

"That's what I thought. Let's be real here Princess, you're a college student living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a whole bunch of student loans. By the looks of it your parents probably won't help support the baby. So right now the only person you have right now is yourself. And Loren , but what more can she really do? You're gonna need me Zahria," Okay, he's getting serious now. And as he brings up these points I can't argue with him. Everything he said was completely true, but I can't let him know that.

"Believe me, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible but the way that I raise my baby isn't any of your concern. Me and Loren are figuring things out and everything will be in place by the time the baby comes. Now while you're in Wakanda if you want to send money you can but we'll have a good life here. Besides-" Erik cuts me off saying "You don't even have a job. Don't forget that thee only way you're making it now is because your parents send you money. We both know good and well that as soon as they found out their precious daughter got pregnant you're on your own, "

I start to get angry. Even though Erik is speaking straight truth it hurts a bit. "I'll get a job," I say trying to defend myself and Erik straight up laughs. "With what degree, you're not even done with college. You still have to finish up the year and with your major you'll have to go to graduate school before even thinking about getting a nice job. You aren't able to carry yourself let alone a child. Have you thought about the hospital bills, buying her clothes, getting a car seat, buying diapers, wipes, bottles, baby soap, let alone a crib and that's just the basic stuff you need before they even let you take her out of the hospital not to mention everything else. How are you gonna buy her toys or blankets when she gets older and needs actual food? We both know you won't be able to do that,"

I clench my teeth at Erik. "Do you think I haven't thought about this? I've been thinking about how I'm gonna support the both of us since I found out. Don't bring up all of this shit like it new to me, I know-" Erik cuts me off taking a step closer to me and reaches his hand out and says "So why won't you let me help you. Just come with me," I bite my lip before eyeing the door. I want to walk out right about now, but I know if I do it won't be pretty. Erik notices and says "Don't you dare walk out right now. We're actually having a conversation like adults so don't leave,"

I listen to Erik and decide he's actually right. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's the first time we've had a disagreement without screaming at each other. Well besides earlier.

As I'm about to say something two police officers burst into the bathroom causing me to jump and Erik to immediately get defensive. I calm down a bit to see that the officers are black, but still you never know. "We got a call from the owner that you were being abusive towards this young lady. Please step away from her," One officer says coming closer to Erik.

I cut in saying "Officer, it was just a misunderstanding. I swear he wasn't hurting me. I'm so sorry for causing such a hassle." The officer looks from me to Erik, "Ma'am we will escort you to your car if need be," And I shake my head noticing rings on both of their fingers. Bingo! "No thank you sir. It's fine. He's my fiancé actually. We just got into a heated argument over the seating for our reception. You know how hard it is to choose seats where everyone is comfortable and get along,"

Both of the officers nod and one says to Erik, "My wife made me sleep on the couch for a week because I said it was a bad idea for her to seat her brother beside my cousin. All hell broke loose," The officers let us off of the hook, but Erik and I still have to leave the bar since he threatened the owner.

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