☀︎︎𝕋𝕨𝕠 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤☀︎︎

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"Oh my God!"
Shouted Jimin. He was shocked by what his friend told him.

"I know right? All I said was that he was the one who was going to get a beating and he punched me! Look at my cheek I'm sure that it's blue now."
Sighed Hoseok brushing gently his numb cheek, it sure needs some ointment. He hoped that he had nothing broken. He must come as a drama queen but the numbness of his cheek didn't tell something good.

A painful wound was much better than a numb one.

Five hours had flown since the incident and Hoseok was still feeling bitter about it even after downing three shots.

A man sat beside Hoseok and then ordered a drink.
"Jay?" He asked giving Hoseok a side glance.

Hoseok was checking up on the man shamelessly. He decided that he looked like a pretty loaded guy after studying his fancy clothes and his hand watch, it was a Rolex and a collection one to top it, he just couldn't remember its name and the alcohol wasn't helping.

Hoseok had some knowledge about hand watches, he knew that this one was pretty expensive maybe surpassing two million or so and that made Hoseok's mouth water. He tried to take in the facial features of the stranger but the bar lighting was too dim.

The man stood not bothering to have a single sip of the drink he just ordered, he put a one hundred bill on the table.

Hoseok's eyes got wide when the man didn't wait for the change. Was he crazy?

Hoseok downed the tequila shot grimacing at the bitter taste.
"I'm going Jimin."
He patted his friend on the back in lieu of goodbye then walked nonchalantly behind the man who already reached the entrance door swimming between the waves of drunken people trying to get out.

When Hoseok was able to go outside after a battle with sweaty bodies reeking of alcohol and unpleasant body odors, he took a deep breath of the cold air outside.

The cold breeze made goosebumps go down his spine but in a pleasant way.

Hoseok looked right and left searching for the rich man that addressed him earlier. Hoseok wasn't quite sure about the man's facial features but he was able to tell by his sharp dark eyes and plump lips that he could be attractive for the least. Small mercies.

"Are you looking for something or someone?"
Asked a deep voice behind him.

Hoseok turned back to see the handsome stranger standing beside a poll, an unreadable glint glistening in his dark eyes.

"Yuh-yeah. You're the one who talked with me just now right?"
Hoseok found the man intimidating and he was feeling nervous, something that he didn't feel much around other people but this man had a menacing and intimidating aura dancing around him.

"Yeah. Aren't you Jay? The sex worker?"
Asked the man, his deep voice echoing in the cold night.

If Hoseok didn't know better he would say that he had heard the man's voice before. But like the man said he was a sex worker, so there was the chance that he had met him before, and the fact that the man knew his nickname solidified his theory.

"Yep. So do you want a blowjob? A hand job or maybe a prostate massage?"
Hoseok said the last two words smugly a side smile adorning his face. He was pleased that he got some of his confidence back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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