I yelp as Zak lifts me off my feet and spins me around. He sets me down as I start laughing, and I spin around to face him. "Why'd you do that?" I ask as I laugh from excitement and surprise. Zak smiles and laughs,"Just because I could. You looked so serious packing, so I decided to surprise you." I roll my eyes and laugh, then get on my tiptoes to kiss Zak.

He pulls away first, arms around my waist and smiling. I smile up at him, giddy and excited for no reason. A knock on my door breaks up the moment, and I pull away from Zak to open the door.

Aaron stands there, looking sheepish, with Billy and Jay behind him. He locks eyes with me, then his brown irises drift behind me, to where I can sense Zak standing. Heat climbs up my neck, but Aaron saves me from explaining myself by saying,"We got the van packed. Plane leaves in two hours. We wanted to find our seats first so we don't have to wait."

I sense Zak nod behind me, then the three boys leave. I turn to find Zak looking down at me, a strangely calm look on his face. "Have you made your decision?" he asks, cocking his head to the side slightly. I smile slightly and say,"Yep." He smiles as well and asks,"Well, what is it?" I laugh and say,"I wonder." I reach up to kiss him, and he smiles down at me as his arms loop around my waist once more.

We break apart, then I go back into my room to get my suitcase and bathroom bag. Keycard in my pocket, I close the door to the hotel room, barely glancing at the silver numbers 333 on the door. A blessed number, some say. A symbol of God's faith. To me, they look like curled cobras ready to strike, to sink their fangs into already weak victims and impart the venom of the Devil into the unsuspecting human.

I put my bags in the back of the van, like all those days ago, then climb into the back like always. The drive to the airport is joyous, with Aaron cracking jokes and Billy laughing. Even Jay, who's usually quiet, tells some jokes he heard from listening to comedians like Jeff Dunham and Gabriel Iglesias (FLUFFY!). I laugh and tell some jokes of my own, along with some funny stories about times my friends were goofballs in college.

The airport is packed when we enter, after giving the keys to the rental car person of course. We walk in to register, drawing some second glances as people recognize us. Soon, a mob forms around us, everyone asking for autographs and pictures. The five of us take it calmly, smiling in photos and signing papers, but inside I'm fluttering with nerves, considering I'm not as well known as the four guys. Apparently not, however, as a group of girls specifically ask me for my autograph first before the guys. I happily oblige, smiling and laughing with the excited girls who were probably my age or a little younger.

We finally make it to registration. Thank God, too, because the mod's energy was starting to drain me. To others, a crowd might pump them up. To me, a shy girl from a small town, the crowds of people all yelling across the large floor and talking into phones and eating obnoxiously are almost too much to handle.

The five of us find seats to wait for our flight to be called. I open my book, but can't even get through a paragraph before I see a dark shape in front of me. I look up, and meet the most beautiful pair of sky blue eyes. The man smiles and sits next to me, holding out his hand. "Justin," he says as he shakes my hand. "Saira," I respond, pushing my bangs out of my eyes so I can get a better look at him. Blond-brown hair, carefully messy, farm-tan skin, tight black long sleeve T-shirt, loose blue jeans, brown cowboy boots. A country dream.

"I know. I watch the show," Justin says with a smile, releasing my hand after a slightly-too-long grip on it. I smile shyly and place my hand on the page of my book, not closing it. Damn natural shyness. Justin watches me for a second, then asks,"How old are you?" I blink at him, startled, and answer on reflex. "Twenty-eight." Justin smiles slightly and says,"Great. I'm thirty. And single. Amazing, right?" I smile shyly, feeling fire race up my neck.

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