Facts and the sort

Start from the beginning

18.) In England’s character song ‘Absolutely Invincible British Gentlemen’ he says ‘from the cradle to the grave’ which is a saying. He uses it in the song to say he was a gentleman when he was born and he will stay a gentleman until he dies. (A popular quote using the phrase is ‘Seek knowledge form the cradle to the grave’ said by Muhammad)

19.) Britain (Since it was all of Britain at the time, not just England) was a ‘Privateer’ not a ‘Pirate’. A privateer is a private person or ship that is legalized by the government to attack foreign ships during warfare. They are similar to pirates, just legal. BUT in fanfictions that take place no adays where Pirate England is used he would be a pirate, not a privateer. This is because it is no longer legal for him to do so.

20.) U-Boats are German military submarines, mainly used in both World Wars. (It is brought up in an episode when Germany asked Japan to make U-Boats . The submarines were too big to make in Japans home so instead he made them into toys and sold them. He then showed Germany ‘U-Boat’s final form which was a robot with a big ‘U’ in the center of its chest.)

21.) France has at least 36 birds which are all named Pierre. They are used to send letters and messages to the countries.

22.) Germany has three dogs names Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster. Blackie seems to be a short-haired German Shepherd, Berlitz is a Doberman, and Aster appears to be a Golden Retriever. He has a fourth dog that has puppies (shown in trading cards) and they seem to be Dalmatians.

23.) Finland and Sweden have a dog named Hanatamago who wishes she had a normal name like ‘Charlotte’ or ‘Marianne’ and she doesn’t like the things that Finland feeds her. Her name means ‘Flower Egg’.

24.) Japan has a dog named Pochi.

25.) Japan has a cat named Tama who is his Nekotalia cat.

26.) Cameroon has a pet lion cub named Kokolo.

27.) Canada has a pet bear named Kumajirou. Although he is believed to be a polar bear it has never been said for sure.

28.) Poland’s ponies are voice by Masaya Onosaka in the Japanese and John Michael Tatum in the English version. Both of them are also the voices for France.

29.) In the Japanese version of Hetalia both South Italy and North Italy are voiced by Daisuke Namikawa.

30.) Iceland has a pet puffin named creatively Mr. Puffin. He speaks in an Italian Mobster accent and also acts like one. He also sings in Iceland’s character song ‘With Love From Iceland’.

31.) The whale that America befriended in Japan is now living in his backyard swimming pool. It has a fondness for Lithuania.

32.) America’s ahoge (the cowlick part of his hair) represents Nantucket Island.

33.) America’s glasses represent Texas.

34.) Switzerland has three goats name Eiger, Jungfrau, and Monch. The names are all Swiss mountains.

35.) Hetalia day is on 24th October which was decided because it is also United Nations Day.

36.) Hetalia is a word which combines the Japanese words 'hetare' meaning useless in a cute sort of way  and 'Italia' which is the Japanese word for Italy. So Hetalia means ‘useless Italy’.

37.) In Hetalia: Paint It White when the Axis and Allies came together to discuss what they were going to do about the invasion (Not the conference scene. The one where they're in their snazzy jump suit outfits in the hut) Germany tells everyone to raise their hands if they want to work together. France is the only one who did not raise his hand.

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