I started to cry I grabbed Jason's hand and I joined it with mine, I fell asleep while holding he's hand.


"Joe wake up"

"Huh is Jason awake?"

"No he still sleeping it's me Lisa"

"Oh Hey what's up"

"Nothing I just wanted to come apologize to you"

"No I should be apologizing I'm the one who almost let Jason die"

"No I should be sorry I know you couldn't do nothing it's just he's my best friend and I don't know what well I do without him"She fell on her knees next to Jason's bed, She started to ball out in tears.

"It's okay Lisa He'll be okay in no time just watch"

"Thank you Joe you've been a good friend to me"

"No worrys I'll always be here for you"


      It was getting late and I haven't ate dinner yet and I was getting tired of the hospital food here. I decided to bring up my secret power to get to the kitchen and cook.

"Hey can I use the kitchen here for I could cook myself some dinner?"

"I'm sorry but no"

"Oh you must not know who my father is?"

"Why would I?"

"He is the vice president"

"Ya like I'm gonna believe you"

"Watch I'll call my dad to tell the president to tell you I'm the vice president son"I called my father and he did what I said.

"Oh my apologize you may use are kitchen anytime you want"

"Why Thank you"

     I know that was bad of me to do but Hey I want good food and I was planning to cook for my friends.

    I started to cook. I cooked chicken Alfredo and some cheese sticks some good bread sticks and a big plate of salad I also poured wine in some beautiful Cups I found. I called Lisa to gather up everybody and bring them to the cafeteria.


"Hey you guys took you long enough to get here"

"Sorry Jose was to busy sucking dick , Aviella was at Korean concert , Vicky was balling her eyes out , Izzy was studying , Sam was doing surgery , Teasa was talking on the phone with some business guy , I was crying with Vicky soo ya were here now"

"Um well everyone was busy but anyways I have a surprise for you guys"


     I opened the double doors for everyone to see a beautiful table set with a white cloth flowers and lights hanging from the sealing.

"Oh my penut butter!" Said Aviella rushing to the table.

"Wow Joe you really out done yourself"Said Vicky

"Well I was so depressed and hungry I decided to take out the stress and shit while cooking I love cooking"

"Well the food looks delicious"Said Teasa.

"Yes it does!"Said Joe's getting ready to eat.

"Thanks now everyone hold hands"

"Let's pray , Thank you God for letting Jason survive the surgery and letting him live thanks for this delicious food.

"Amen!"Everyone said.

"Alright everybody injoy"

     We all ate I got so many compliments everyone was having fun they had laughs and we danced and got to know each other better. But I was still thinking about Jason which I wanted to go check on him.

"Come on Joe dance with us"Said Izzy dragging me to the middle of the cafeteria.

"I'm not the dancing type"

"So neither are we and were just dancing like hollygins"Said Vicky lost falling from drinking to much.

"Alright fine"

    We all danced for hours. Everyone was wasted and fell asleep on the floor knocked out. I guess Since Jason got shot everyone was drinking and having sex trying to get there mind of it. Well except for me I have been in this hospital for a month awaiting for Jason to wake up. I cleaned the cafeteria up and put everybody in bed putting headache pills next to them. I went to Jason's room to check on him. He was still sleeping and I joined him I was really tired I finished my cup of wine and knocked myself out.

The Abused Boy (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now