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It's 9:00 and my best friend is at Disney world. I'm sooooo board and I don't have enough contacts on my phone to talk to anyone my age.

I wonder though if I were to bug someone how long would it take for them to lose their temper and take I out on me.

Furthermore no one believes me when I saw I feel nothing but boredom and excitement. I have completely separated myself from others. I have grown distant from my emotions. Humans just aren't worth the time anymore unless I'm doing a test on their emotions.

Now I know it may sound cruel but what would you do I'm board with my everyday life and I look to nice to actually make someone take me seriously.

They all laugh it off when I say I have a mask I'm constantly hiding behind. But that's just the thing I don't have to look mean or scary. After all you would think it's the quiet ones you have to worry about. But no it's the ones that grow close to you.

It's the ones who are constantly nice. Now what makes them scary is the fact that they blend in. Never really know if the one your closest to is the person you look over everyday. Because you only look at them for a second is why they have the advantage.

You never know you could have you best friend end up disregarding you like a piece of trash. But then again you never know until you take a moment to get out of your wold and worry about theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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