'L-let's take him with us. He might be lost.' She said, walking away.

Mitsuba helped me up. Still holding my hand, she pulled me after Shinoa. We walked along a few blocks before we stopped at a shelter.

'Come on.' Mitsuba said, walking inside.

I followed. Going inside, I saw two more kids.

'Lacus. René. We back.' Shinoa called.

They turned around.

'Hey, Shinoa and Mitsuba. Who's the new guy?' A dark purples haired boy asked.

'We don't know. He can't talk either.' Mitsuba said.

'That's a shame. Oh, René. You have anything for him to write with? He could write his name down.' The dark purple haired boy said.

'Yeah.' René said, getting up and walking around.

He came back with some ink and a stick. He gave them both to me. I dipped the stick end in the ink and started to write my name.

'Yui-chi-rou? Yuichirou!' Shinoa said.

'Think we should shorten it.' René said.

I wrote down my nickname.

'Yuu? Ok.' Mitsuba said.

'Ok, Yuu. My name is Shinoa. This here to my right is Mitsuba. On my left is Lacus and next to him, René.' Shinoa smiled.

I smiled back at them.

*Time Skip 1 week*

'Yuu-san! You better come out.' Shinoa called.

We were playing hide 'n' seek escape. Lacus and I were hiding together.

'This way.' Lacus said, turning to run the other way.

I followed him, going around to the back of the shop we were hiding in. We moved around and eventually saw Mitsuba and René. I waved my hand, gesturing for them to follow. They nodded and all followed me. We ran around Shinoa and towards the front door. The door opened and we were out.

'We win!' Mitsuba cheered.

Shinoa came out at that moment.

'Awe, no fair.' She pouted.

We laughed at that. We were heading back to our place when someone called my name.


I turned to see Shiho and Yoichi running towards me.

'Who are they?' Shinoa asked.

I ignored her and waved them over.

'Yuu-kun! Why did you run away!' Yoichi asked.

I just shrugged. Yoichi puffed out his cheeks.

'Hey, Yuichirou. Who are they?' Shiho asked, pointing to the others.

'Oh, we're his friends. I'm Shinoa, this is Mitsuba, Lacus and René.' Shinoa said.

'So, you've been staying with them?' Yoichi asked.

I nodded. They talked for a bit before I was taken back with Yoichi and Shiho. A week past and I went to visit them everyday. That was, till something changed.

'Who are you?' Shinoa asked.

That was the last time I spoke to them. I wrote down their names and gave them to Yoichi and Shiho, but they forgot too. Eventually, I started to forget as well.

*Past End*

'...' there was silence.

I looked up at them. They just stared at me in shock.

'W-we really knew you back then?' Shinoa asked.

I nodded.

'How could we forget?' Mitsuba asked herself.

'I don't know, but. I can't remember a thing from back then.' Lacus said.

'Neither.' René murmured.

I looked down at the grass.

'Been that way for awhile.' I said.

'What do you mean?' Yoichi asked.

'We all forgot. But, I regained them when I was hit by that curse.' I said.

'O-oh.' Kimizuki muttered.


It was silent again. Even the birds were quiet. The only noise was the wind.

'Can't believe that I forgot.' Kimizuki said.

'Same.' Yoichi agreed.

They sat in the park for awhile, silent.

'L-let's go to the music shop.' I suggested.

'Sure.' The others said.

We got up and headed out o the park towards the shop.

'I forgot to ask, but. Did you regain the rest of your memories?' Mika asked.

'No. Not yet.' I replied, looking down.

'Well, we'll help you. On the other hand, your talking fine again.' Mika smiled at me.

I looked up and smiled back. We got to the music shop and walked inside.

Hmm. Writers block right here. And a night with like an hour or two of sleep. Not a good combo. Anyway, hope you have a great day/night!
Kitty-chan out!

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