There She Is Again

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I look up at the blinding lights of the convenience store. The huge colorful 7-eleven sign beams down on me. Almost making me look less dead. I look to my left to see a selection of different trucks and cars. Busy tonight. I really hate people. Should I skip my sanity or deal with it? Deal with it.

I walk into the cold store. It's brighter inside than outside, takes me a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. There aren't as many people around as there are cars. Probably people just dropping their car off so they could go for a walk or another reason... I look down each aisle. Down the alcohol aisle, there is a man about my dad's age. Down the candy aisle, there is a family and..


I quickly dive into a random aisle without realizing which one it is. My eyes go blurry from the sudden movement. I look around and see blue. Shit. I'm in the tampons aisle. I hope she didn't notice me.

"Uhm.....Mr. NoNameKid what are you doing in the tampon aisle....?" I hear a very recognizable voice ask. She glares at me with confusion in her eyes. I stand there speechless, having nothing to say. "You alive in there?" she says jokingly.

"Well you see, I was passing through here to get to the back of the store. I don't pay attention to which aisle I'm walking through to get to the back." I smirk trying to save myself. Nice job, buddy. Tampon aisle. Great.

"In order for me to pretend this never happened you have to tell me your name" Veronica insists with a wide smirk on her face with slightly rosy cheeks. I feel mine light up as well as I look into her eyes and smirk back.

"It's Jason Dean. But please, call me JD" I respond starting to walk to the back of the store where the slushies are. When I reach the slushie machines I turn to see that she followed me and is still next to me. I look at her then each colorful flavor. "Did you say cherry or coke..?" I ask looking into her eyes.

"I didn't, cherry" she replies beaming at me as I pour her a cup and hand it to her.

(it's shorter than I intended but I'll continue this night in the next chapter.. I'm sick but wanted to be a little bit productive.. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed :3)  

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