The inspector snarled nastily and snatched Janani's cellphone speaking to him.
"Heard that you've been poking your nose into matters which don't lie under your concern. Do you understand what 'mind your own business' means? You'd better practice that! Leave before I throw you outta this village!" he barked twirling the phone on his palm and stormed away laughing wickedly.

- -
"Sorry. That must've been expensive. All because of me."
He shook his head in dismay.

"Ahh! Who cares if I lost the phone, we still have the data card with us."
Janani wiggled her brows flaunting the memory chip between her fingers and smirked.

"Now you know how helpful they are? So called police!"

"Hang on! The police station is ahead on this route, right?"


"He drove past us in the opposite way."

"OK.. So?"

- -

Vihaan whispered holding Janani.

"I think those were the constable's legs. Never mind, they look high on alcohol."

The two tiptoed into the police station, where the staff had hit the sack for the night. Switching on their flashlights, he opened a door that led to a room filled with files and old folders. The racks were systematically labelled year-wise, on which dusty documents had been stacked.

"This will take forever. Where do we start from?"

"Remember what Shankar master said? People disappear every year in July. So let's check out all files which say July."

Digging into the piles, they tried controlling coughs and sneezes.

"Here's one! Pushpalatha Rai. Age-32. Date of missing- July 7th 2017!"

"July 7th?" Vihaan's eyes widened. "That was the exact date Sandhya disappeared! The day after Mahabala Hegde's function. Shankar master mentioned the event is held every year."

One of the constables sneezed, startling the two.

"Quick! Look for July 7th 2006. Not at all a good idea to prolong our stay here.
Look, I found it! Angaara. Age-26. Died on July 7th 2006. Murder.
Collect all folders from July out of each shelf."
- - - - -

"Phew! That was close. Thankfully my car was nearby. Maybe starting the jeep would've woke them up. I recorded all the names by the way. We have to sort them"

"Thank you."

"Keep it to yourself."

"There's one thing you haven't told me."


"Why were you at Naarnu's house the other day?"

"Should I tell the truth or do I have a chance to lie?"
Her voice softened.

"I believe in anything you say."

"I was there for you."

"Me? But why?"

Janani turned away from him and lowered the car glass letting the cool breeze calm her down. This wasn't as easy as she thought.

"I know who you really are!"

Her eyes moistened before Vihaan averted his face immediately.

Her eyes moistened before Vihaan averted his face immediately

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"Aaa.. Umm.. Y-you are the popular novelist Anushku, aren't you?" she stuttered finding it hard to control her emotions.

Silence prevailed as he chose to stay mum. He frowned and changed the gear insisting his own self to concentrate on the path.
- - - - -

"12 years, 12 missing cases. And all happened on July 7th."
Janani scanned the list of names they managed to gather information about.

"Dosa, idli, pundi. What would you like to order madam?"
The owner of the petty shop they sat in, questioned for the third time.

"No. We're fine thank you.. again!
Oh crap! Vihaan, gimme a minute."
She hurried towards a coin phone booth and dialed a number.

"Jenny, you're becoming a thorn in my bu.... banian."

"Hello! What's more important?"

"I'm a little busy Jenny. I'll call you back. OK?"

"No no. Give me all the details at the moment!"

Pandu almost whimpered flushing the comord.
"Sandhya Suvarna really did die in the accident and along with her, her husband Vihaan Suvarna too was pheeew OUT."


"Their car caught fire and they were reduced to ashes. Oh yeah! Seems a girl named.. Umm.. Harini Ranganath, was also travelling with them."

"What else did you gather about Harini Ranganath?"
Janani inserted another coin into the slit of the booth.

"She was an orphan, who lived in Bangalore working women's hostel. Her profession was... Haa.. A yoga instructor. That's it.. Hehehe."

"Thanks. You carry on with your work."

"Hey, and Aahan too.. "
Pandu cut the call hearing the dialer tone from the other end.

Waala!! One more twist!
Please comment on what you think, especially about the last part guys.

Good day/night 😁😃

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