Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

Dawn heard a noise outside the door and looked to see it be pushed open and then Faugrimm walked in, followed by a man with red hair. Dawn took in his scent and realized he was a wolf and there was something familiar about his scent. But why? Dawn was certain she had never seen this man before.

“This is my newest pet, Colin.” Faugrimm said with a wave of his hand and a smile at Dawn. “Isn’t she something?” Colin frowned.

“I’m not really that impressed.” His nostrils flared. “She is mortal born and she is with pups.”

“Colin?” Dawn whispered and then it clicked in her head. The reason his scent was familiar to her. “You’re Brie’s father!”

“You know Brie?” Colin asked with a tilt of his head.

“Of course I know Brie. She is a member of my pack, Grange’s pack, and….”

“Enough!” Faugrimm shouted as he raised his hand and brought it down, barely stopping before he struck her and he seemed pleased when Dawn flinched.

“Who is this Grange and how did Brie become a member of his pack?” Colin demanded as he turned toward Faugrimm. “My daughter has been your pet, bought and paid for, with the understanding that she would be kept here and well cared for. Did you release her? Did you go back on your word?”

“Of course not.” Faugrimm assured him.

“He’s lying.” Dawn snapped. “He let her escape and she found Nickolai. She knows that you lied to her.”

“She remembered him?” Colin demanded, his blue eyes nearly bulging from his head. “You assured me that you were erasing her memory and she would remember nothing of Nickolai or of what I did to her!”

“She shouldn’t have…” Faugrimm said with uncertainty.

“She is stronger than you gave her credit for.” Dawn said, feeling her confidence rise. If these men were fighting then maybe Colin would kill Faugrimm and let her loose. She knew he wouldn’t just let her go but she also knew she stood a better chance in a fight against him than a fight against Faugrimm.

“I want to see my daughter. I have the money to pay back my debt and I want to take her home.” Colin stated.

“She won’t go with you. Not now that she knows the truth about you.” Colin strode forward and grabbed Dawn’s chin roughly in his hand.

“I want to buy her as well.” he said with a hungry smile and Dawn felt her stomach turn. Apparently she wasn’t going to get the men fighting but she still might get away from Faugrimm just the same.

“No.” Faugrimm replied with a quick shake of his head. “I went to a lot of trouble to get she and Brie away from that wolf and I won’t sell them both this quickly.”

“Then keep my daughter.” Colin replied with a shrug as he released his hold on Dawn’s face. “According to her, my daughter knows my treachery now and won’t want to come back with me. If I must take an unwilling she wolf home with me, I would just as soon take one I can break in the bedroom.”

Dawn felt her stomach turn at that thought and then she realized her face must have turned green because Colin chuckled.

“Don’t worry, princess, you’ll like it just fine.” he assured her with a wink.

“I’m not sure, Colin. My brother likes this one quite a bit so we may have to discuss prices with him.” Faugrimm said as he scratched at his chin. He didn’t care for the she wolf. She was mortal born and had been soiled by a mortal born alpha. Mortal born alpha?! That very comment was absurd. Mortal born immortals did not deserve the gift their immortality awarded them and as far as Faugrimm was concerned they should all die.

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