Otaku Ranks

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“Of course... I mean, you were the one that stopped me from killing our target's family....”

“I guess, that's what friends do in the CIA...” We looked at each other and laughed.

“You could help me, we could run from the CIA, we could get new lives, we could be free from this chaos!”

“Minx...” I take no notice to Deaf.

“We could run away together, you, me and Kristen!”

“Minx...” Deaf says louder, I was so caught up in my imagined world, I yet again didn't take notice.

“We could live hapily away from our pasts!”

“MINX!” He yells at me, finally getting my attention.

“What is it, Deaf?”

“I can't go with you..”

“Why not?!”

“The reason why they want Kristen, is because you wouldn't leave if you knew they had your love, right?” Deaf looked at me, dispair very evident in his gaze.

“Right?” I say, concern bleeding through each word.

“Well, its the same for family...” Deaf sounded defeated, not only with dispair in his voice, but pain mixed in very deeply.

“Deaf, I'm sorry...”

“Its fine.... I have to do this for my family, though...” He was definately defeated. I thought of what my.... mother..... used to sing to me whenever I felt sad. I decided to sing it in English.

“You call out to me from somewhere within my fragile soul, your voice like fantasy, telling me to keep on dreaming. I can’t stop these tears from flowing, or the ache inside my heart, but on the other side of sadness, I know I’ll find you waiting there....” I sing, surprising Deaf.

“Minx, what are you doing?” I took no notice of his comment.

“Even if we fall, we see the boundless sky up above, each time we gaze upon it, the blue seems to renew. Our spirits as we walk on this long, lonely road, the end can’t be seen so we must embrace possibility.” I continue to sing, feeling my mother's embrace now, getting into the song.

“Minx, stop, please...” Deaf's eyes were tearing up, he was the kind of person not to show weakness.

“As I bid farewell, my heart stops, in tenderness I feel, my silent body begins to listen to what is real. The wonder of this life and of death’s tranquil mysteries. The wind, town and flowers all dance in sweet unity...” I sing, feeling the power of the song pierce my heart's barriers. Deaf was just stunned, he gave up trying to stop me.

“La la la la la la…” I sing, Krism awoke to my voice. “You call out to me from somewhere within my fragile soul, your voice like fantasy, telling me to keep on dreaming. Why speak of sorrow, or life’s oh so painful woes? Instead let those same lips, sing a gentle song of love...” I sing, Krism looks around, trying to remember what happened. “Never forget these memories so they may forever guide you. Heed their murmur, the undercurrent of life streaming through, even if your dreams break, nostalgia will always remain. To remind you that those dreams glimpsed at what is precious, dear and true..” Krism's eyes widen and she sings along with me.

“Windows of beginning, stillness, new light of the dawn, let my silent, empty body be filled up and then reborn. No need to search outside, or sail across the seven seas, because shining here inside me, it’s right here inside me, I’ve found the light of your voice; it has always been with me.” We sing, our voices in perfect harmony.

“La la la la la la…” I turn to Krism, my love for her increased signifigantly.

“Minx, I didn't know you knew that song..” She said, her voice and eyes showing complete amazement.

“I didn't know you knew that song!” I said, hugging her.

“You must be Krism, my name is Otaku in the CIA, but my real name is Deaf. Its nice to meet you, Krism” Deaf introduced himself, slightly chuckling at 'real name'. Krism stiffens at the mention of CIA.

“What's your rank?”

“Senior Executive Chief”

“What's your rank, Minx?” I froze.

“Why, Kristen?” I ask, not wanting to tell her.

“I just want to know, bebe....

“Fine, Head Security Agent. Why did you freeze at the mention of the CIA?” Krism looked at me, her eyes telling me to drop it. I shake my head 'no', I wanted to hear this.

“I used to work for the CIA, I decided that I wanted to train new recruits, so I did, then I was promoted to Training Supervisor III after a few years. A few years later, I quit the CIA, now, I learn that my true love was a member too....” I hug Krism, comforting her, and me.

“Minx, I will go back, say that you knocked me out and I woke up to an empty house. So, here, knock me out..” I look at Deaf in surprise, he was risking his family and himself by letting us escape.

“You sure, Deaf? What about your family?” Deaf looks at me, pain in his eyes.

“I don't care, you two deserve to be out of this. So please, take the opportunity and leave, now!” I punch Deaf, knocking him out. I then run over to my suitcase and grab it, taking my gun out and putting it into my pocket, I look over and see Krism doing almost the same thing.

“You ready, bebe?” I smile and nod, looking over at Deaf erased my smile, replacing it with a frown. “He's going to be okay, Michelle, okay?” I look over at Krism and smile.

“Let's do this!” I say as we run out the back door, not looking back once.


I believe I could leave the story off here, I might actually....


~See you around



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