I smiled and hugged him again. "Thanks Beau. Have you met Jamie and Tyler before?" I asked, dragging him over to where Jamie and Ty were talking.

"Jam and Ty, this is Beau Bennett. Beau, this is Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin." I introduced.

Tyler wrapped one arm around my waist and stuck the other one out for Beau to shake. They began to chat and I excused myself to talk to Vero, who had been staring at me.

"He likes you!" she said in a hushed voice.

"What?" I said, grabbing a water from the counter.

"Tyler likes you! He can't keep his eyes off you." she said, folding her arms.

"We're just friends. That's all we'll be." I said with a nod. Tyler was attractive, I would admit it. But he wasn't the guy I was in love with.

Players spilled out onto the ice and the third period was underway. The Pens fought hard, and had a lot of great scoring chances. But Lundqvist stopped everything.

I was on the edge of my seat until I heard the buzzer sound. It was all over. I sat back in my seat and tried not to cry for the guys. It sucked. They had such a hard season with injuries and everything.

We stayed in the box and watched the fans pour out of the stadium. Sidney was the last one to leave the ice. My heart was aching for him and I wanted to run down to the locker room and hug him, but I knew I couldn't.

"Vero, I'm gonna go back to the apartment. I'll see you later okay?" I murmured to her. She nodded and hugged me.

"Can I tell him you're gonna be there?"

I thought for a moment and then nodded my head. "Yeah. I know he'll want to talk."

Tyler picked me up and placed me on Jamie's back and we headed out of Consol for the last time until next season.


I sat on Sidney's bed, boxes of my stuff packed up. I didn't have a lot to pack up, which made moving out (or unpacking) that much easier.

I sipped the tea I had made, thinking about what I was doing. Did I even want to get back together with him?

I groaned and flopped onto my back, putting my tea down on the bedside table. I heard a door slam and I shot up, my hands beginning to tremble.

I grabbed my tea mug and got up, heading downstairs. Sidney was shoving his bag into the closet, getting angry because it was too big to fit.

"Hi." I said quietly. The bag fell to the floor and then the whole apartment went silent. He was staring at me, his eyes wide.

"Ty." he breathed, taking a step towards me.

"I'm sorry about the game. I'm still insanely proud of you guys." I said with a half smile.

"Thanks." he said, walking even closer to me. "Can we, you know, talk?" he said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Yeah." I said quietly, sitting down on the couch and sliding off my Converse. He sat next to me, refusing to look at me.

"I'm sorry." His voice was thick, and I could tell that he was trying not to cry. "I don't know what came over me Tyler. I didn't mean to say any of those things. You're the most important thing in my life. I love you so much and I take you for granted."

"Sidney-" I tried to say, but he shook his head.

"Just let me finish, please. You're my best friend and I can't do anything without you. I can't live without you. Everything's been different without you and I can't take it anymore. I won't ever do that again, I swear. Please come back babe. I need you." he said, finally looking at me.

My eyes were full of tears and I bit my lip before pulling him into a tight hug. "I love you so much Sidney." He wasted no time in smashing his lips against mine, his hands gripping my waist.

I knotted my hands in his hair, crawling onto his lap so I was sitting on him. He moaned against my lips, and pushed himself closer to me. "I love you." he said in a strained voice. "You're mine."

"Prove it then. No more fights Sid. Maverick was highly stressed and I didn't want to have to tell him about what joint custody was." I teased, pressing my lips up against his again.

He chuckled, brushing a piece of hair out of my face. "I heard you went to your parents house." he said softly. "Jamie told me. He and Seguin were waiting to ambush me. They really care about you."

I nodded slowly. "They suck. Not Jamie and Ty, my parents. I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled, sliding off of his lap. I didn't feel like making out anymore.

"Babe." he murmured, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back into his chest. "Talk to me."

"They just made excuses for why they left. They don't care. You were right, I do need to get over it."

"No, I wasn't right. You have every right to grieve over them Ty. They're the worst type of people, but they were your parents and it's okay to be sad." he said, rubbing my back.

Tears slowly fell and I rested my body up against his. "Please don't leave me." I cried, looking up at him.

"I promise sweetie." he mumbled, kissing the top of my head and picking me up. "You and me forever."

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