1 ♱ just theo, thanks.

Start from the beginning

'Yes, well, I'm talking about trouble.'

Theo was dragged from her reading by an ear-sore of an accent in her current exile in America, oh to hear a familiar and welcoming accent sent an overwhelming joy rippling through her. Although she wouldn't let him know that of course, she had to act objectively.

Walking in they hadn't even noticed her presence yet, and with the book she was sure that the Watcher had been previously reading, sitting on her lap, she was a little disappointed in his unobservant nature.

'A violent and disturbing prophecy is about to be fulfilled!'

      'A violent and disturbing prophecy is about to be fulfilled!'

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'The order of Aurelius,' he continued.
Rupert Giles stood unaware to the figure who lay across his table, but rather infuriated he could not seem to engage the two girls.

The two students attention fully focused on the mysterious girl currently seated on his table. The thick aged paperback laying precariously on her lap.

Giles slowly turning his head around expecting a demon or god forbid the order of Aurelius themselves to be standing behind was both relieved but surprised as to why a student other than Buffy, Willow and Xander was in his library.

'You..who- a-a-are,' he stumbled out in attempt to form a coherent sentence, clearly baffled.
Theo thought she would just save him the pain and explain herself for him, slamming the enormous book slightly tearing the centuries old binding. Whoopsies.

'I have been exiled by your pompous council to here of all places to watch over you all, I assumed they were going to telephone you,' her tone saturated with distaste.

'But, he's the Watcher?' One of the blonde interrupted, looking at Giles questionably, 'aren't you Giles?'

Theo —presuming the girl was the Slayer— nodded.

'You're correct, but, since this is a Hellmouth and The Council have their knickers in a twist, I have unfortunately been sent—against my will might I add—to aid you in anyway you deem necessary,' Theo cringed at the words that the council had made her rehearse, 'also The Council just really doesn't like your Watcher.'

He frowned at her, not appreciating that she knew of who he was and he didn't have a clue as to her and whether or not this was all a hoax.

'What is your name?' he queried.

'Theodosia Langston.'

His frown only deepend before he rather hastily walked into his office, shutting the door and picking up the phone. The muffled conversation could still be heard,

'What do you mean you sent someone to watch me? Am I not a Watcher, is that not my job? Oh an exile, well that makes me feel all the more better, dump her on me why don't you!'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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