1 ♱ just theo, thanks.

361 15 9

Sunnydale High. Just peachy.

Theo couldn't think of anything worse than being stuck in a place of constant sun. The mere reminder sent her into a dizzy spell.

Oh how she wished she had not accidentally pissed off the Council with her nuances of how they need to loosen their suspenders in this day and age. Trust her to end up in America, of all places.

Wesley was probably the one who thought of such an idea, him being so up tight about her Australian accent and informal manners. Just ship her off to the Hellmouth, a splendid idea if I do say so myself.
And to think it couldn't get any worse, she finds out she is to be a student. A student!

Sure she was young, ahead of her years, but she had already completed college by sixteen, the thought of entering a high school, again, for no reason other than to "keep an eye out on things," was an absolute load of rubbish.
She was going to punch Wesley next she saw him. Right between the eyes.

Entering the cesspit one would call a school, she found herself already with a headache brewing. Great.

Oh how she had taken for granted being of an age when entering high school she need not of been concerned about the horny, testosterone fueled boys. But alas, she now walks down the prison like corridors attempting to locate her locker and half the male species have done nothing but look at her tits. I mean for Christs sake I am wearing a turtle neck, she internally grumbled.

Finally reaching her locker she thought she had managed to avoid all conversation with any teenage delinquents, although life wasn't that sweet. Maybe this is why its called the Hellmouth.

'Hey you must be new!'

Theo turned her head slightly to see he had propped himself up against the neighboring locker.

'And what makes you say that?'
She grumbled, turning in her code only to have her locker refuse to open.

Of course, trust Americans to not have a proper functioning locker, its not like I am supposed to use it to keep imbeciles from stealing my shit.

'I've just never seen you here before.'

She felt bad for the poor thing Sure, he might of been in a way nice, but she wasn't here to befriend children.

The boy began to ask whether she needed assistance, although found himself promptly cut off by her slamming her fist onto the door and having it swing open in a painful, depleted creak.

'Soooo... um, I'm Xander?' he asked more as a timid question rather than an introduction of ones self.

Finally turning to face him properly, whilst shoving inconspicuous brown tattered books into her locker which did not have the school curriculum on them.

She asked, 'Any idea where the library is, Xander?'

After the weird Xander kid somehow struggled to remember where his schools library was—said he hasn't checked out a book in the whole time of being at Sunnydale High—Theo crawled her way through the halls of loitering students who were already all late to first period. Theo assumed this was where she could find the Watcher.

Which is how she found herself stretched across a table top reading one of the many tattered brown leather bound books that the Watcher had piled up on the mahogany desk. Quite boring if you asked her, too cliche and half the facts had been disproven or were only halfway true. This Watcher really required more updated resources.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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