Ginny reluctantly rolled over. "Sweetheart."

"Aunt Hermione wants to speak to you." Teddy said, the telephone in his hand.

"Hermione?" Ginny repeated groggily. "Okay hand it to me."

Teddy gladly did but instead of going back to his room he just snuggled in with Ginny.

Ginny scooted over to give him space before answering into the phone. "Hermione?"

Hermione sat on the edge of the bathtub as she pressed the cell phone to her.


Draco ran his hand through his hair as he sat on the vacant bed. His clothes were mussed and his appearance haggard.

"Hey mate, so how's the trip going?" Blaise gave a snicker at the end as he answered his phone.

"I think I got engaged last night."

"What?" Ginny and Blaise both yelled into their phones.

Both began to tell what happened yesterday in their own words. Ending at their enchanted engagement.

"Well I think you beat my news." Ginny said.

"Oh Merlin Gin, I'm sorry. I've been so selfish! What's your news?"

"Yeah right Hermione. Selfish." Ginny snorted. "But I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my goodness Ginny! When did you find this out?"

"When we were on our trip actually. I had morning sickness and… I think it's a boy. No I know it's a boy."

"Isn't it a little early?"

"Well yes but it's just a mother's intuition."

"If you say so Gin." Hermione smiled softly.

"When are you coming back? Maybe we could… are you sure Malfoy didn't trick you on purpose."

"Oh yeah, you should've seen his horrified face when he saw the ring."

"Really how horrified."

"Probably as horrified as when Ron used to see Spiders."

Ginny gave a laugh. "Oh dear. But I'll see if I can find any help. There's got to be a clause around this. I mean… you're the brightest witch of our age. My husband is the savior. Someone has to know how to break this enchantment."


"Unless you really do want to marry Malfoy." Ginny said lauging but at hearing no laugh at the other end, she paused. "Do you?"

Hermione didn't know what to say about that.

"Hermione you there?"

"Yes." Hermione said weakly.

"Oh my god you do want to marry him, don't you!"

"Gin!" Hermione said but on the other side Ginny was still making noise.

"Oh sorry Teddy." Ginny muttered from the other line. "Oh you want to talk to Aunt Mione?" "Of course you can talk."

Hermione listened patiently as she waited.

"Aunt Mione!"

"Hello sweetheart."

"Is it true, are you and Draco going to get married?"


"Draco was supposed to ask for parent's permission before he asked you. Did he?"

"What do you mean Teddy?"

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