All the Stars

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Blinky was glad to finally see the stars again.

For once, it wasn't raining as it normally did at this time of year, so Blinky could admire the celestial art which it created. The way that they glimmered in the night sky. The way that they painted mesmerizing patterns, swirls and the most versatile of shapes amongst the deep hues of blues and purples.

Seeing the lights above the skyline of the trees reminded Blinky that Gunmar and the dangers of the Darklands were far away from them for now. For once in three weeks, he and the others could relax for as long as the threat stayed behind. He could get lost in the wonders of his library, or indulge in his research once more.

Yet, despite the way that the stars or thought of his treasured library enamored him, all that was in his sights at the moment was the love of his life.

He had known how much he had worried Arthur in the time that he had been apprehended and taken away. He himself had been unable to sleep when he had been lumbering alongside Elturos in Darklands, for all he could see whenever he would attempt to sleep was those alluring green eyes, beckoning him to come home. Oh, how he had waited to finally come home.

Blinky could not take his eyes off of Arthur's as they slowly walked through the surprising quite town after bidding Draal and the trolls good night. The moon illuminated Arthur's face, which looked as if it had been unwaveringly tensed for weeks. He smiled softly down at Blinky as they approached the door to their house, growing unable to hold back the love he had been withholding while Blinky was gone.

As the two walked through the door, Arthur gripped Blinky's hands tightly. He shut the door behind them as they made their way into the living room, moving through the house with arms and fingers interlocked as if the sweetest of music had begun to play. Time around them seemed to pause as their heartbeats drummed in perfect unison. Holding onto each other for the first time in weeks, they seemingly danced their way onto the floor like a satellites circling one another.

Blinky ran his hand through Arthur's hair pressed his lips to his, kissing him with the most passionate of emotions. Arthur immediately kissed him back, allowing himself to melt into his partner's warm embrace. They wrapped arms around one another until they had ended on their side, facing one another.

Arthur softly caressed Blinky's cheek as their lips parted, still remaining mere inches apart. He spoke his deep baritone voice as his hand met Blinky's. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, my love."

Blinky rested his forehead gently against Arthur's. "I could not fathom being apart from you any longer." He traced his thumb down Arthur's jawline. "Had it not been for you, I wouldn't have been able to locate my strength to find my way home." He smiled softly.

"Neither would I." He softly kissed Blinky's lips again, smiling sweetly.

Part of them both knew that it might probably be better to get up, change out of their clothes dirtied by the grime of the Darklands, and take themselves to the bedroom.

But, it didn't matter that both were covered in dust, bruises and scratches. All Arthur knew as they lay on the carpet was that Blinky was there, and that's all that mattered. He was the only one he saw.

As the pale moonlight shone through the windows into the house, darkened with hues of blues and purples, neither would want to move. Arthur's earring and their golden rings, scratched from the scuffle earlier that day, glinted in the glow of the sky outside, much like the stars, shining in their multitude.

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