The First Encounter

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I remember I was staying at my grandparents house that time. It was a typical old house made of nipa hut and bamboo floor that was raised by several bamboo posts. It was a decent old house with three rooms, a big dining area and a small kitchen. In the old days,  I typically slept beside my grandparents. I called myself "bunso", because I acted like I'm the youngest child of my grandparents. I was in the 4th grade before, we visited my grandparents. It was a bit warm that night while I am sleeping with my grandparents in the dining area. My grandma cleared the curtain in the kitchen area for the air to flow inside the house. Since the kitchen area is a bit old, some of the walls were already torn. It happened that the view I can see outside when the curtain was cleared was wall that has a big hole in it. I can literally see the trees, the bushes, the house nearby, and even the ground. It was full moon that night, it was bright outside. We continue to sleep as my grandma laid down beside me. I fall asleep easily due to the cool breeze that's coming from outside. Until that moment when I changed my sleeping position, I turned my body towards the opened kitchen area. That moment when I opened my eyes, that moment when I kept staring what was outside, that moment when I'm asking myself am I dreaming or is it real. I saw a saucer landing on the ground, with orange lights, slowly landing on the ground. I felt frightened, I closed my eyes and covered my whole body with my blanket. But I was so curious, I wanted to see that again. I slowly removed my blanket from my head and stared in the hole of the kitchen wall, it was still there. That moment, I knew I wasn't dreaming. It was real. I'm so afraid that something bad might happen to us, maybe they saw me staring at their ship, maybe they came to get us. I can't even remember anymore what I was thinking that time due to fear. I can't remember how many minutes I waited, I just kept on staring. Until I woke my grandma to tell what I am seeing.  I showed her that saucer, she saw it too but she hurriedly stand up and closed that kitchen curtain then she said let's sleep. I asked her again, what was that? Why was it blinking? Why is it round? But she just ignored me. I asked my grandma if we could change positions since I was sleeping near the kitchen door. She agreed then I hugged her tight. I was so afraid but I was curious too. Eventually I fell asleep. That morning when I woke up, I opened the kitchen curtain but that thing was gone. I can't see it outside anymore. After I have arranged our beddings, washed my face and comb my hair I run outside to check where it landed. No traces of any sort. The ground was clear, as if nothing has ever set foot on it. Everything was normal. I even tried to check the bushes if it was hidden in there, but it was gone. I asked my grandma again about what I saw, I even told my grandpa about it but my grandma just said it was probably nothing. As a child, I was afraid that that thing might abduct me so I keep my silence. I knew what I saw and I know that no one will believe me even when I tell other people about it. I kept my self mum about it. As a young child I got an interest with astrology, astronomy, everything about the planets, the stars, the galaxy, etc. Those things gives me excitement. I longed for the day that my encounters from that moment will be answered. I longed for another encounter about the unknown. I wanted answers and I wanted more. As I aged, that encounter seemed to be just a story from my past until the next encounter happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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