Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Lloyd's POV)

....."Can't take it anymore longer!" I choked on a full mouth of ice water.

But shouting would never help me in this situation like this.

C'mon, you could think a better way to escape than to shout.

The chain was still tied to my ankle, tightening with whatever movement I made.

"Damn it, you should have taken the left turn" I scolded myself.

I spewed the dirty water out of my mouth. and took a deep breath.

Got to brush my teeth when I get back.

I dove into the dark icy water. I fumbled through the water for the chains. I grasped something metal. I took the dagger strapped to my belt, charging it with the energy I had left.

Well, here goes nothing.

I slashed at the chains, hoping that the empowered metal would have broken it. But no effect. Even, worse the dagger broke.


God, what is that chain made of?

No! I must try again. I can't die here. They're waiting for me with the relic. If I don't, many lives will be wasted just to get me here.

I tried again, pulling at the chains.

C'mon there has to be a weak spot somewhere.

I dove deeper towards the darkness. I just hope that the pressure doesn't kill me down here. "Somebody help! Please!" I said swallowing another mouthful of water. But then again, the chain still pulled me down underwater.

With one last weak attempt, I again resurfaced the bitter cold water. "Somebody! Help! Please?" I whimpered through the empty darkness. The chains now took full control and pulled me down. I can only think of one thought.


Before water entered my lungs............



"UHHHHHHHH!" I groaned before fumbling for the stupid snooze button.


"Can't you fricking let me sleep?" I shouted at it.

I heaved myself up the bed, searching for my glasses.

"UUGGHHHHH!" I groaned.


"Alright, alright! I'll get up from bed! I get it!" I said, visibly looking annoyed. Great, I have a very bad hairdo in the morning, a really irritated attitude, and now I'm talking to my alarm clock. I should go see my psychiatrist.


Irritated, I picked up my glasses and put them on. I looked around the room like some burglar searching for something shiny and valuable. But instead I'm searching for an outdated alarm clock that is annoying me right now. I closes my eyes and cleared my mind. I listened for the next set of noise. But for a full two minutes, I looked like a monk squatting in a bedroom of a teenager.

Surrendering, I walked inside my bathroom and took a shower. Then fixed my curly beach blonde hair. Applied some deodorant. Put on my contact lens, doing hardly anything to conceal my icy blue eyes, then changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a button-up t-shirt. I slipped on my Vans and took my bag. I took one last look at myself in the mirror.

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