“Shall we sit?” Cain asked as a command rather than a question.  Yet as he sat slowly on the floor pulling Setsu down next to him on the edge of the large coat  so there was room for the other two girls, Kanae looked at Chiori. Deciding this was probably the best for her young friend she took a seat.

“It will not get done any faster the more you pace.” Setsu added as she saw the moment of indecision flash in Chiori’s eyes.

Kanae watched both Cain and Setsu who seemed unbothered yet they were offering comfort in their own way. Sayuri was right. Setsu and probably even Cain were not good at showing their emotions and feelings to any but their family, but they had there own way of showing care and concern.

Chiori nodded a little less jolting in the movement as she sat down carefully on the coat before smoothing out the material below her as if trying to take her mind of the situation.  Cain decided he was the man in the situation and his father was right. No matter what the situation he was always to look after the woman.

“You are both actresses?” The question coming from Cain’s lips was enough to stir both girls into attention on him rather than the position they were currently stuck in.

“Yes,” came the joint answer from both women as Cain simply nodded his head. It was a simple encouragement but Kanae jumped upon this opening from the normally almost silent man. It took encouragement on Kanae’s behalf to get Chiori really involved in the conversation, but when Setsu also seemed to take pity on the young woman Chiori was so shocked she too joined in with zealous attention.

“So who would you say is good in Japan?” Cain had only asked a few simple questions maybe 3 in all. Setsu had been more opinionated and always towards the stating of her wonderful brothers talents.

“Well of course there is Japan’s number one actor Tsuruga Ren, but he recently became ill and is currently recovering according to the president.” Kanae snorted slightly as she tried to cover a laugh. The steel grey eyes instantly turned to her rather than Chiori.

“Sorry.” she said as she tried to calm her face as Setsu and Cain just looked at her.

“What's funny?” Kyoko asked trying not to let her anger show through. Why the hell is Moko laughing? It's not funny that Tsuruga-san is sick with a fake illness.

Ren was rather happy to feel how Kyoko had stilled at Kanae’s reaction. He could tell she was not happy by her best friend's behaviour and it held hope in his heart as he saw her willing to stick up for him even against her best friend.

“I’m sorry. Don't get me wrong. It is very bad that Tsuruga-san is unwell. I was thinking more about my friend who if she was here would be berating the man telling him it was his own fault due to his bad eating habits.” Ren felt Kyoko calm as she watched Kanae’s tender smile.

“I suppose if you want to know about good actors and actresses in Japan, I doubt we would get far without mentioning Kyoko. She’s the LoveMe section's number one member, but she is also one of the most  talented actresses I have ever had the pleasure of working with and watching.” Chiori was nodding firmly her colour back in her face as she smiled at Kanae’s words before taking over.  

“She truly is amazing! When I first met her I stupidly labelled her as one of these actresses getting by with her looks rather than talent but i have never been so wrong in my life! She's like a chameleon or maybe you will know the story of the eternal butterfly?”

Both of the seated siblings shook their heads as Kyoko sat shivering inside Setsu’s body as she awaited wondering what  her friends could possibly find so amazing about her. She was simple, plain and in her mind a talento compared to all of the people seated in this lift.

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Sin. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now