Part 16

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Chris's POV
It's been months and today is my lil boys first birthday and i need everything to turn out right because when things don't Ari gets stressed and starts crying I've been trying to talk to her about it but she just says let's do this or let's do that she always changes the subject but I'm not gonna feed into it
"My baby's one now" she said getting him dressed in his birthday outfit
"lil man a big boy now" i said
"Mommy oww" he said
"I think your nails is pinching him" i said
"My bad baby" she said
Channing can only say a few things like mommy,daddy,up up, and some fruits
And of course he said daddy first

If you look at this lil boy you may think he's an angel this lil nigga be screaming and all of the above "He look just like me" i said "Yea he kinda does" she said I tried to kiss her and Channing slapped me "Damn you cock blocker you never let me...

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If you look at this lil boy you may think he's an angel this lil nigga be screaming and all of the above
"He look just like me" i said
"Yea he kinda does" she said
I tried to kiss her and Channing slapped me
"Damn you cock blocker you never let me kiss her" i said
"Maybe you don't need to be kissing me because he doesn't approve"she said joking
"Well how he think he got here" i said she pushed my arm laughing i went to go get Dream ready for the party
"Daddy is today my party" she said
"No sweetie your birthday is next month" i said she had a sad look on her face
"But you can have cake and ice cream" i said her eyes lit up
"Really daddy" she said
"Yes baby girl" after she was dressed i took them downstairs
I put them in front of the tv and i went upstairs to get dressed and so was Ari
"Is this too much" she said
"No you look perfect i said"bitting my lip

If you look at this lil boy you may think he's an angel this lil nigga be screaming and all of the above "He look just like me" i said "Yea he kinda does" she said I tried to kiss her and Channing slapped me "Damn you cock blocker you never let me...

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Ari doesn't know but in two weeks we are gonna get married i just can't wait no longer i know she can't wait so why not do it soon our son is one now so why not The party is at this jungle gym that we rented out for the day it's a place that you c...

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Ari doesn't know but in two weeks we are gonna get married i just can't wait no longer i know she can't wait so why not do it soon our son is one now so why not
The party is at this jungle gym that we rented out for the day it's a place that you can jump around and all that good stuff
When we got to the party people were already there
"Happy birthday big boy"Abby said reaching for Channing i gave him to her
"Say thank you" Ari said he tried saying it but i didnt work
After all the playing it was time for cake
"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Channing
Happy birthday to you" everybody sung and we blew out the candles for him and after that we opened gifts
Arianna's POV
When we was opening gifts i stumbled across a gift that said grandpa it was a card and i looked up
"Who is his grandpa" i said to chris
"Did your dad bring that" he said i looked around and saw him by the food
"Hold him i will be right back" i picked Channing off my lap and handed him i chris so he could finish opening his gifts while i got talk to my so called dad
"What are you doing here" i said
"It's my grandsons birthday why wouldn't i be here" he said
"Because i told you to stay away from me but your not getting it" i said
"And i said I'm not leaving until you give me a chance" he said
"Do you have to ruin everything my gender reveal and now my sons birthday" i said
"Can i at least say hi to little guy and i will leave" he said
I needed a closure so i let him say hi
"Baby this is your grandpa" i said to Channing
"Hey bubba" my dad said
"Hi" Channing said
"Why he acting shy" he said
"I think you can answer that question your self" i said being sarcastic
"Oh yea i forgot i wasn't here" he said
"Okay you said your hi now can u stop making everything awkward and leave"i said
"Sure" he said sadly but i didnt care he should've been there
After the party we just left the kids was in the back seat sleep
"What a party" i said
"Yea seem like he had fun" chris said
"Yea so when we get in the house can we talk" chris said
And i just got so scared i don't know what he's gonna say like what if he breaks up with me or tell me he cheated i just don't know what to say
"Okay babe" when we got to the house we unbuckled the kids out of the car and i was so scared to listen to what he had to say i have dream and Channing a bath and i took a shower and so did chris and we just got in bed
"So what do you wanna talk about" i said nervously
"Babe don't be nervous it's nothing to worry about" he said
"Okay" i said
"So in two weeks we will be getting married" he said
"Wow you just get right to it don't you" i joked
"So do you have anything to say about it" he said
"It's just why so early we haven't even found a place and what my dress is gonna look like" i said
"Babe why worry about that i got all that covered you just need to go dress shopping and that's not hard because you already said how you want your dress to look like" he said
"Okay babe but-" i said he cut me off
"No buts i can't wait no longer to marry you I'm tired of you just being my girlfriend i want you to be my wife" he said
"Okay mr. carter" i said
"Okay soon to be Mrs.Carter" he said
"MOMMY" i heard Channing scream and i ran in his room
"What's wrong baby" i said wiping his tears
"You had a bad dream bubba" i said and he shook his head yes i picked him up and brought him to our room
"What's with the big boy" chris said
"He had a bad dream" i said and i laid him on my chest and tried to put him to sleep
"You wanna come with daddy" chris said and Channing got on his chest and went to sleep
"Wow mommy's jealous"i said and i leaned against chris
"My daddy" Channing said
"No my daddy" i said
"My daddy" he said
"It was my daddy first then you came" i joked
Chris looked at me and we thought the same thing he knew i wanted another child he just teasing after that we laid Channing in between us i didn't want Dream to feel left out so i went in her room and brought her in ours so we could sleep like a family the kids really sleep wild because dream kicked me in my face and Channing somehow had his butt in Chris's face

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