"Kill her?" Professor Zabini appeared perplexed at the thought. She swallowed, internally at war with herself before sighing. "There is someone who knew Rhea better than I. She would be willing to talk as long as you mentioned you were family. She might have a way for you to defeat Rhea and to tell you more about her than I did. But, be warned, Calypso. She may tell you what you want to hear, but she could tell Rhea too. Hel's are fiercely loyal to their own."

"Who is it?" Calypso asked, leaning forward.

"Her name is Rialta. She's Rhea's stepmother. She could tell you more about Rhea and the Hel's, but she would only speak to someone with Hel blood running through their veins, so you'll need to go alone." Professor Zabini pulled a piece of folded parchment from the pocket of her robes and handed it to Rhea under the table. Calypso frowned as the woman hastily stuffed the parchment into her hand. She spoke in a voice much quieter than she had been, though it was only them and the barkeep in Hog's Head. "You mustn't read it until you are alone, but that is your proof. It is possibly the only evidence in the world of Rhea and Tom's relationship. It isn't much, but it will do."

Calypso froze for a moment, her mind spinning as she thought about dashing from Hog's Head to get back to Ravenclaw Tower to read what the Professor had given her.

"Rialta resides in Diagon Alley, in a flat behind Boots and Shoemakers for Witches and Wizards. I believe she goes by Rialta Lestrange now." Persephone eyed the door. "I must take my leave, but I urge you to only show that letter to who you must. Rhea's influence truly does extend further than you or I could even imagine. There are spies for her everywhere – the Ministry, the Prophet, probably even in that little group Dumbledore has."

Calypso's stomach plummeted to her feet at the mention of the Order of the Phoenix. Her mouth parted in shock as she gazed upon the stern face of the old Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"I understand you did what you thought was right by trying to tell the world of Rhea's involvement with the Death Eaters, but she has spent a long time curating the perfect image of herself and people only see what you let them. You will die trying to stop them."

No, Calypso wanted to say. The prophecy foretold that she would lead her friends to victory. That practically guaranteed the fact that she would not die until after she was victorious in defeating Tom and Rhea.

"And even if you survive, they will destroy everything and everyone who has ever helped you. They have already gone after your family, Calypso. Do you think your mother, sister, and grandmother just disappeared? Or that Rhea would have just let you take your stepfather and sister?"

Calypso narrowed her eyes at Persephone.

"She didn't just let me take them. They took me for months and what happened during that time is unknown to me. I don't know if I will ever find out what happened. Yet, you seem to know so much about Rhea and what she did to my family."

"Because I know her. I have seen it and I have been a part of the damage she has caused. Tom killed her son and she stayed by his side. She knows everything about you and everyone you love. She will wait until you least expect it and then she will take it all from you. To protect your family and your friends, stay silent. Find a way, defeat her, and then come forward. You have to be like Rhea in order to take her down."

Persephone rose from her chair, taking a small sip of her butterbeer before offering one last sad smile to Calypso.

"I believe there is good in Rhea. She has never been given the opportunity to do the right thing, especially when it comes to her family. Perhaps you can find a way to get through to her instead of having to defeat her."

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