Chapter 2: Rumors

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Harry stared down at the Daily Prophet in his hands, and gripped it rather tightly. He resisted the urge to scream. There, face down on the cover's headline read:

The famous couple, now separated? Read further!

We are informed that the infamous couple of Harry and Ginny, have split earlier this night at the Chudley Cannons versus Tutshill Tornadoes game, that Harry's red-headed girlfriend, Ginny, has split up with him. Yikes! That probably stung! The boy who lived is now left single and vulnerable. Watch out, ladies! That scar and glasses can affect any!

Harry stared down at the paper after he'd finished reading, and threw it harshly on the marble counter. How had his and Ginny's relationship been published that quick? He knew Rita Skeeter was behind all of this, she had to be. He ripped up the paper in rage, and threw it on the chair. He walked in rage to his bedroom, slammed the door with a loud thumping noise, and threw himself onto the bed. He looked around. The room was vacant except for his stuff. Ginny's stuff was all gone. A part of him was extremely happy, but the other was he wanted her to leave her stuff and have to come back and get it so he could see her again. But Ginny wasn't into him anymore. He laid in bed, and stared up at the ceiling bitterly with his green eyes, and muttered to himself. He soon found his eyelids grow heavy, and shut them, causing him to fall in a very uncomfortable sleep, as Ginny wasn't by his side.

* * *

Hermione and Ron sat talking for minutes, going by like hours. "Ron, we should go to bed. It's getting late," she said, grabbing his wrist. "I'm getting tired." "Alright, alright, I'll shut up and we can go to bed," he replied, chuckling softly with Hermione's giggles in sync with his. Together, they both, uncertainly, walked to the master bedroom which was arranged beautifully.

        Hermione sighed. She felt of all of the possible outcomes of her and Ron's relationship, and wasn't sure if it would be good or not. She dreaded speaking to him about things like this though, as he wasn't exactly keen on the subject. He seemed a little twitchy whenever Hermione brought up mistakes in their relationship, and just pure stuff in general.

        Hermione grasped the comforting blanket, and threw it over herself, turning to her side. She laid one hand under her head to balance the comfortable position, and the other underneath the first. She was extremely comfortable until Ron laid the other way. She was extremely disappointed he didn't hug her like they would do every single night. He's just had a rough night tonight, that's all. Hermione assured herself. With Quidditch.

        Her eyes shot open, blinked a couple times, and she looked around the room. The smiling pictures of Hermione and Ron were moving gracefully, and they were laughing while dancing in the picture. Hermione smiled to herself. Remember who Ron used to be. She thought hard to herself, and stared at the golden shelf that was plastered upon the wall exceeding all sorts of limits. It had beautifully crafted figurines on the top shelf, some Chocolate Frog cards crouching low behind a giant Quidditch cup.

     Good times, they were. Hermione tossed and turned while the sleeping Ron stayed in one position gracefully. He faced Hermione, his eyes closed as he was fast asleep. Hermione turned and looked at him. Out cold. She thought. She blinked back a tsunami of emotions, and soon, an uncomfortable sleep arrived, Hermione drifting off thinking of Harry's words.

                    *                      *                       *
   The very next morning, Harry woke up to a "thud!" Which really just turned out to be another Daily Prophet owl, who flew through the opened windowsill once more. Harry angrily threw down the paper after reading it in disbelief. More stupid information about Ginny and I's breakup. He thought, full of rage. Why must Rita Skeeter be so nosy and up in people's business when she, herself didn't have any social life whatsoever?

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