Chapter 2

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I sat in the dining room think what was my mom going to think when she finds out about this. Find out that I was a vampire now. Find out that I'm not in my bed. And find out that this Alex dude want me to be his princess. Just as I thought that Alex walked into the room.

"Hello my dear." He told me.

"My name is not dear its Nightmare." I said and crossed my arms.

"Ok hello my Nightmare." He said with a smiles. I didn't get why he added to my. Why won't he just say Hello Nightmare. He sat down across from me.

"Alex can you tell me what I'm doing here?" I asked him again.

"I told you... to be my princess!" He replied with a smile.

"Why me?" I asked him. I thought I had already asked him that. But I didn't remember asking.

"I told you because you were the only one that pasted my test. And live through me biting you." He said with a smile. Well I guess I had asked him already.

"Oh so that's why you almost killed me..." I said with a blank face. I wasn't really excited about being a vampire. Even if I was a vampire. And was about to become a princess. That I didn't want to be. I was glad Alex was my prince. I think Alex seem to be a nice guy. And he did pick me to be his princess. I thought no one cared about me. But now I know someone does. And his name is Alex.

"Nightmare! Hello earth to Nightmare!" I broke from my thought and Alex was waving his hand in my face.

"Huh what?" I looked at him confused like.

"I want the vampires to meet there new princess so go and get ready." He smiles and ran him hand through my black hair.

"Ok just give me five minutes." I told him. "What should I wear?" I continued.

"Wear one of the dresses in your closet I like the blue one the most." He said with a grin.

"Ok I will." I said and turned and ran upstairs. I went through the closet and found the blue dress. Its was very beautiful the sleeves were straps and the bottom was ruffled. I put the dress on and looked in the mirror. Its looked amazing on me. I loved it! I walked down the stair and Alex was waiting for me. His eyes lit up when he saw me. He put out his hand so I could grab it. So I did he grabbed my hand I little hard.

"You look beautiful my dear Nightmare." He told me knowing that I hated to dear part. "Come on we are going out to the bowconie." He added. As he led me down the hall. I saw the bowconie as we approached it. I was kind of nervous. As we went up and looked over the side. And I saw a lot of people. They looked like everyday people. And when they saw me they cheered. And I smiled. Then I saw someone in the crowned that scared me. Its was my best friend Eva from school. She had told me she'd moves away. And she was right there with a smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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