Chapter 6

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Hey everyone just wanted to say sorry for the long wait for this update, been busy with a lot of stuff. Anyways here the next chapter, hope you all like it and I’ll try to have the next one up as soon as I can.

-          Taticia1

Rosalie POV (still attack on the Helicarrier):

As I head to the bridge, I kill any enemy agent that I saw. When I get to the bridge, I walk over to Fury, "Sir."

Fury turns when he hears me and said, "Agent Storm, where's your sister?"

"She is heading to Loki's cage, Sir, to try and make sure he doesn't escape," I tell him.

"What about Ember, Agent?" he asks me.

"Sir, Emily is in complete control of Ember." I tell him.

"Very well Agent," is all he said.

Then, after a few seconds, I hear some people approaching the door to the bridge. I turn around and see three men with guns aimed at us. Right before they start firing I yell for everyone to get down and away from the door. We all start firing back at the men, me putting a shield around everyone on our side. After a few minutes of this, the computers start acting up, then we loses all power to engine 1. We start to fall from the sky, I look to the computers and see an arrow in the system, and then I look to the rafters and see Agent Barton. I pull out one of my arrows and shot it at him, barley missing him.

"It’s Agent Barton, Sir." I tell Fury and he said something into his earpiece that I didn't catch because 3 to 4 more armed men came and started to shoot at us too.

We stop falling and I knew Stark got engine 3 started again. After a few more minutes, we killed all of the armed men, and then a minute later I feel a sharp pain in my lower rib cage, like I was stabbed by a knife. I gasp out in pain and drop to the ground; I look at my rib cage and see nothing wrong, no wound at all. Then I realized that the pain wasn't from me, but my sister. Somehow she was hurt, hurt really badly.

Fury walks up to me, kneeling next to me, asking, “Are you alright Agent”?

“I fine Sir, but Emily is not," I tell him.

“What do you mean Agent?" he asked me.

“She and I have a connection, since we got our gifts and she's hurt badly." I tell him.

Then I hear in my earpiece Agent Coulson calling me, "Agent Storm, are you there?"

"This is Agent Storm," I answer into my earpiece.

"I need you to get to the room Loki was in, now!" he tells me.

"Loki WAS in," Fury states.

"Loki escaped sir, now I need Agent Storm down here now before we lose Emily." Agent Coulson said.

My eyes widen and my worry/fear for my sister spikes up tenfold. I get up and run to the room gone, the medic team is cleaning Coulson’s head wound and trying to slow down the blood flowing from Emily’s wound.

I hear Fury tell the Medic’s to step back from Emily, bit I just barely heard that for all my focus was on my sister. Her eyes are closed like she’s asleep, she’s deathly pale, and her purple and black tank top was now also red, from her blood. I go over to her and kneel next to her. I put both of my hands on her wound and close my eyes, focusing my energy to first see how bad the wound is. It was really bad; she only had a few more minutes until she was dead. So I focus all of my energy on healing her. I felt warmth come from my hands and go into Emily, after a minute her wound was completely healed.

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