Part 2: The Chase

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          In the damp forest blanketed with moist air, sat Mackey. Tobias was scanning bushes for food, but to no avail.  "What do you think was chasing us?" Mackey asked, soiling her hands with tree bark by trying to light a flame.  "I have no idea. Perhaps it was a ghost? Maybe a phantom?" Tobias guessed and guessed until she told him to shut up. Leaves were crackling in every direction, lightning struck and it began to drizzle. A faint moan came from the distances around them, and Tobias and Mackey scrambled up. Suddenly, a figure appeared. Soldier from the war. Only now he was as black as Tobias's hair. The devilish red eyes gleamed at the two. Guns started to float from his pockets and backpack. They swarmed the kids in a tornado of bullets. The screams of terrified Mackey and Tobias drifted away as they trembled and sped through tangling tree roots and weeds.

        Somehow the bullets doubled, tripled, and quadrupled. "TOBIAS! THERE COULD BE MORE GHOSTS THEN WE THOUGHT!" Mackey screamed over the gunfire. "AAAAAAHHH!" Was the only response Mackey got as her best friend was being dragged away. Gunfire paused. Mackey took advantage of the phantoms's idiocy to dash after the man taking Tobias. She blacked out.

        When she woke, a cottage was behind her. A beautiful horse stood upon the girl black hair waving like a hand saying "hello".  The horse was black all over.

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