Chapter One: Hometown

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I do not own any of the Vampire Diaries characters. 

Have you ever just felt like you weren’t good enough to be with someone? Maybe you were good enough for them; you just weren’t the best option in their eyes. That no matter much you try or how much you sacrifice you just always fall short. Well that’s exactly how I feel; my name is Violet Marie Bennett. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s go back to the beginning of the story and I’m sure everything will be much more clear to you. All you need to know right now is that people are not always what they seem; there’s always more than meets the eye.


I look out the taxi backseat window to see the town that I once knew and loved so much, Mystic Falls, Virginia; my hometown. I use to live here with my mom and dad, right down the street from my cousin; Bonnie Bennett. Only that all changed once my parents found better jobs, and then it was off to sunny California at nine years old. Now its eight years later and I’m finally able to come back, even if it is under certain circumstances.

I feel my body shift forward to see that I’m finally here, my home for the next two years. I step out of the taxi with a million things going through my head. I wonder how Bonnie will act when she sees me for the first time in eight years. As children we were very close since I’m only a few months younger than her. Only once I moved we barely even talked to each other, we have a lot of catching up to do. Not to mention a certain family “hobby” that we have in common.

Just as I finish getting all of my three suitcases out of the taxi trunk I see the front door open. I look to see its Bonnie; right as we make eye contact both of us get a big smile on our faces. She rushes over to me with her arms wide open, and embraces me in a huge hug. “Vi it is good to see you again.” I laugh forgoting about my nickname that her and my old friends use to call me.

I pull away to smile at her, “I’ve missed you so much.”

“How long has it been? Five years?” she asks as she takes one of my suitcases.

“Eight years actually.” I correct her in amazement.

“Too long if you ask me; how about I show you to your room?” She leads the way into the house that is eerily quiet.

I look around not seeing anyone, “Where is everyone?”

She starts struggling up the stairs with my suitcase, “Umm well, it’s usually just me home; Grams working most of the time.”

“Oh.” I say trying not to seem too nosey.

She kicks my bedroom door open, “Yeah, but it will be fun to have you around here.”

I set my suitcases next to my bed, “It will be nice to catch up.” I look around the room to see a concave window that has a sitting area that leads out to a small balcony. The rest of the room is plain, white walls, light brown dresser, an attached bathroom and a queen size bed with purple bed sheets that has black floral embroidery.

“Hope you like your room; I thought that once you got settled in you would be able to decorate it how you like.” Bonnie says a she sits in the window sitting area.

“Its great thanks; I really do appreciate you and Grams taking me in for a little while.” I open my suitcase and begin to put my clothes in the dresser.

There’s an awkward silence between us, until I see Bonnie walk over to me, “Listen Vi, I know it might not be any of my business but I heard Grams talking over the phone about you. She said that you got into some type of trouble in California. Do you mind me asking what happened?”

“Oh that.” I pause as I put a pair of shorts in the dresser. “Well I had a little incident in school with a couple of kids.”

“Like what?” She asks curiously.

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