Chapter 31:The Results of Helping

Start from the beginning

  "No, I just sat here the last hour doing nothing. Of course I do blondie, it's all in my office."

  "Okay, let's go there then."

  "That's where I'll have to stop you, I'd rather do this alone. And I'm not sure if my father would like the presence of the Angel's chosen one's." Jace tried protest, but he stopped when I threatened to turn his hair pink again. "I'll go start the summoning then. I'll tell you if he agrees or not."

  "Are you sure about doing this, Magnus," Alec said unexpectedly.

  "Yes, I'm sure. See you all in a bit." Without another glance at them, I walked to my office. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a bit nervous. This is the first time I'll see my father in a long time, and I know he's kept an eye on me all these years. It's odd that he has this interest in me when he hasn't even changed me yet. And with a close eye on me he knows what price will hurt me the worse, which puts Alec at risk. Thoughts aside, I quickly scratch the pentagram and take out the book of white and start chanting. The candles start to flare up in red, blue, and green. A good sign. My chanting gets louder and I can feel my magic working, and frankly, it's a bit tiring. The flames flicker higher and higher until it reaches about at my waist, then it starts smoking a heavy black smoke. His body starts to form, like water freezing. Finally he formed. I was as tall as he was and had his black hair, but that was where the similarities ended. I also had his cat eyes, but his were colder than mine. He had light skin, but he wasn't pale, and it was covered in old burns and scars, his black hair was reached his lower back, and he wore a crisp black suit. "Magnus. Didn't expect being summoned by you today, or ever." His voice was deep and distant, even if he was only a few feet away from me.


  "What did you happen to summon me for. I would say it was a pleasant surprise, but really, it's not. Even though your my most promising child."

  "Why have you always taken an interest in me? It's frightening actually, but you could've turned me a long time ago if you wanted to."

  "Because, Magnus, you're different from my other children. Most of them are born practically soulless, but you feel pain, happiness, love. Anyway answer the question."

  "The thing is, I need a favor from you."

  "What kind of favor?"

  "Well the shadowhunters are in a war. You could help them win if you just listen to what you need to do. It'll even benefit you."

  "Ugh, the Angel's chosen. They always think they're above everyone, and for you to side with them. You are weak, Magnus. Your uncle would be disappointed in you. Just like that pathetic mundane that held you in her womb."

  "Don't talk about my mother."

  "Why shouldn't I? I'm just stating the truth, she was pathetic. What was her name now? Ah, right, it was Aini Son."

  "You can stop now."

  "No, I don't think I will. You know that she even had a name for you while she carried you?" He let out a cruel laugh. "If you didn't carry my blood your name would've been Adhi. Pathetic, that woman. Lucky she die-." He was cut off when I raised the flames, making them burn brighter, and hurt him. He let out a scream and I let the flames die down.

  "Stop! As long as you're in that pentagram you're under my control. So shut your fucking mouth and listen to me. He straightened his back and looked at me.

  "What do you want then?"

  "As I said, the shadowhunters are having a war and they need your help."

  "What do they want with me."

  "The other side, the side they're fighting against, has soldiers that has demon energies in them. If you can come out in the battle field and take all of those energies away, they can win and it'll all be over. Now, if I realise you from this pentagram, you have to promise me that you won't go out and cause havoc."

  "It sounds like a reasonable deal, the demon energies will make me stronger, which will hopefully make your cocky uncle stop being so full of himself. And I won't hurt your world, it's too little for me, but there has to be more in this deal for me."

  "What do you want? I'm not going to give you someone's life."

  "I don't want someone's life, what I want is from you."



  My whole body is hurting, I feel weak, and its really hard for me to stand. Hopefully the others won't pay too much attention to it. I walker-well stumbled-back into the living room. "Okay, it's done, he agreed, you can all go home now."

  "Magnus, are you okay?" Isabelle asked.

  "I'm fine, just summoning is tiring when you summon a prince of hell. All I need is to rest. Now, just leave, I wish to rest in peace. Not literally, I just want to lay down."

  "Really? You're in pretty bad shape."

  "I'm fine, just let me lay down." Now I was holding onto the couch for support.

  "Okay, we'll see you soon then." As soon as they went out the door, a girl came in through the open door. "Magnus! Guess who's in New York!" She said, well more like yelled. I forced myself to my feet and tried to walk towards her.

  "Tessa. Nice to see you. What are you doing here?"

  "Well when the last if my blood has heavenly fire in his veins and is leading this war, I'd like to meet him."

  "You just missed him, his name is Jace by the way." She tried to give me a hug but I fell to my knees.

  "Magnus! Are you okay? What happened?"

  "I'll explain in a second, just help me get to that couch." She grabbed me by my hands and half carried, half dragged me to the couch.

  "Magnus, what did you do?"

  "The shadowhunters are having a war obviously, and my father is helping them. Well, he took some of my energy with him and I used a lot of magic just summoning him."

  "Mganus, I can tell when you're holding something back. What else happened?"

  "You remember the Lightwood that I was dating? We haven't been in touch much lately, so I don't know if you remember."

  "Yes I remember Alec Lightwood, how he still has Cecily's eyes and hair, you've told me in letters. What about him?"

  "My father wouldn't agree unless I did something for him, and if he didn't agree then the shadowhunters then there's a chance they would lose. Even after I broke up with him, I still care for him, and if they lose who knows if he'll live. In the end I agreed to him terms." I tried to stay calm around Tessa, but I couldn't. Tears started falling.

  "What did he do to you?"

  "Tessa. I'm mortal now."

OH THE PAIN YOU GUYS MUST BE FEELING RIGHT NOW. Don't worry, the pain is almost over, and I'm sad to say this story is also coming to an end. It only has a few chapters left, but don't worry, I have more stuff in store for my awesome readers. Vote, comment, and stay awesome

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