Narcissa took a step back as she recalled a letter from some years ago.

Dear Cissy,

You probably are wondering why I am writing after so many years. I know you may not want to hear from me but…

You and I are the last of our family. Well no, that's not right.

Cissy, Nyphadora gave me a grandchild before Bella could... He is my first and only grandchild. I want you to know him. His name is Teddy Lupin. He's named after his grandfather. He's an adorable child. He has the Black Family eyes. Big and brown.

I hope one day you will meet him. I know you would love him.

Your sister always,


The letter was stained in tears. Some that were old. Then the new ones that came from her own eyes. It was one of her biggest regrets. She never got to meet him before Andy died. Her first glimpse of him had been at her funeral and he had been in the arms of Ginny Potter, crying. Not because he knew what was going on but because everyone else had been crying. Even she had shed tears. Then when Harry Potter came over and asked her if she wanted to meet him… she had declined, not wanting to cause a scene which she knew would happen if she had seen the little boy.

Tears once again formed.

Narcissa took a step forward. She put up her hand and cupped the boy's cheek. She stared at his eyes. Eyes that were like her father's and her two sisters. "I have waited years to meet you Teddy. Your Grandmother was right. You do have the Black family eyes."

"You knew my Grandmother?" Teddy asked, wide eyed.

"Yes. She was my sister."

Teddy cocked his head to the side. "Sister?" Then he looked at Hermione.

Hermione bent down to be at his level. "Teddy, she was your grandma's sister and your mum's Aunt. Not Ginny but your first Mum's." She smiled.

Teddy's brows furrowed as he took it all in. "So, I'm related to him." He pointed at Draco.

"Teddy it's impolite to point like that but yes, Draco is somewhat like your second cousin."

"My second?"

"He's your Mum's first cousin making him your second."

Teddy's mouth opened to form an O. Then he looked right up at Narcissa. "Hi." He said a little more shyly this time.

Narcissa smiled softly.

Teddy took a hold of Hermione's hand then leaned in to whisper in her ear.

Hermione listened then nodded at him. Smiling.

He then looked up and walked to Narcissa. She also bent down to be at level with him. She was taken by surprise when the little boy gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Can you tell me about my grandma? Any stories. I really miss her."

Narcissa's mouth opened slightly but then she closed it again and tears welled up in her eyes. She nodded at last. "Yes of course. Over sandwiches and cookies. Is that okay?"

Teddy gave a toothy grin and nodded enthusiastically.

Narcissa stood back up. "Please follow me."

To all their surprise, Teddy grabbed her hand and began walking and talking enthusiastically about the stories he knew from Harry and Ginny. How brave and strong both his parents were.  How gentle his grandparents were.

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