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"HORNS, I NEED YOU HERE!" IT WAS THE VOICE OF PHINEAS MASON THAT WOKE her up from her daydream. Or more like a night-dream.

It was late at night and the beautiful woman was minding her own business waiting for her self-proclaimed boss. The air in the abandoned building was cold but her skin remained as warm as hell. It made perfect sense, seeing that she got two little bloody horns coming out of her head and so she could be called kin of the Devil itself. Her fiery eyes reflected the boredom Horns was feeling right before her name was shouted. They moved their focus onto the older man, who wore a blue beanie and was twisting his screwdriver with happiness.

"What is it you need, Mason?" Her voice sounded velvety and inviting and Mason found himself once again losing interest on the weapon lying in front of him. It wasn't his fault, though. The woman was designed to allure in every possible way and that she did. Although, much to most people surprise, it wasn't her intention either. It was out of anybody's control so, when Horns noticed the way Phineas was looking at her, she snapped her fingers in front of his face, successfully waking him up. "What do you need?"

The man slightly shook his head to clear his mind and proceded to answer. "Um, ... cou-could you try this new weapon?"

He took the gun in his hand and elevated it up to his face. Horns looked at it with condescendence shinning in her red eyes and grabbed it while squeezing her lips in a grimace of distaste. Every invention of Mason was tested by the woman and she couldn't like the procedure less. It wasn't the fact that she had to sample each alien weapon the man did, no. Her disgust came with how obvious his intentions were. After all, she only tested guns whenever she was waiting for Adrian Toomes to show up. It didn't take a genius to realize the last thing Phineas Mason wanted was for Horns to grow bored enough as to start causing havoc within the building. Still, she decided to humor the man every time.

"I believe the gun is faulty." She said after shooting a barrel nearby. "Look, this side has overheated itself." She walked towards the man once more and showed him the overheated zone.

"I see. What do you propose I do?"

"You could move the panel of control to the back and strengthen it with more alien iron - I know it's not called that way, but I rather not fill my brain with useless information." She positioned the weapon back onto the table in which Mason was working and turned around once she heard the sound of an engine. Adrian was back.

Two boxes filled with alien material were thrown down through a hole which left two opening door in the ceiling. Horns crossed her arms as her boss flew inside the pretended abandoned building. The two big metal wings gave the man the ability to fly, two sharp metal claws located on his feet allowed him to catch things at will, an iron structure enabled him to move through the air with ease and a helmet with night-vision glasses protected his head. Adrian fell with a loud bang and the armor detached itself from his body quickly. 

"There you go, Mason!"

Phineas laughed with glee while watching his creation. He felt extremely proud of his work and the fact that his boss was happy with his inventions. In front of his table, the woman with white hair stained with blood glanced at the man of the suit unappeal by his actions. In her mind, Adrian was one of those persons who wanted to change nature. Humans beings were not made to fly, as well as birds were not made to be rational. Still, the humans were stubborn and self-centered, trails which Horns both liked and hated at the same time. Liked for that way they were easier to deceive and hated for wishing they stuck to what they were born to be: righteous.

Mr. Toomes looked into Mason's eyes and spoke. "Business is good." Then, he turned his attention to the woman with lips as red as blood. "What you got for me?" He said as he started descending the stairs of the platform he was on top of.

"The Albanians are causing trouble. They believe their money isn't being invested in the best possible way and desire to withdraw it all." She stated with her marked accent. They both started walking to a secluded section of the building Adrian has named his private office. "If we lose them we will also lose most of our business in Europe." 

"Well, then make sure they stay with us." Once they had reached the door to his office - which he insisted many times was off-limits to all his employees - Mr. Toomes turned around to look inside Horns' eyes. "As always, use force if necessary." With that being said, he entered the room and left the woman standing outside. 

An evil smirk formed onto her lips and her eyes shined with joy.

"Yes, sir. As you please."

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