Hermione flushed. "I felt like a change."

"Well you look, ah-mazing. Really."

"Thanks Anna." Hermione said smiling softly.

Anna then peered at her. "Wait a second... You're...you're Mystery Woman!"

"Shhhhhhh." Hermione nearly jumped to where her assistant was and put a finger over her lips.

"Oh, it's a secret. Don't worry, I got it." Then she did a motion of zipping her lips. "Since you're here, can I open the card? Is it from... him?"

"Anna." Hermione warned.

"Oh phooey."

Hermione levitated the arrangement to her office and set it on one of the window sills. It was a very extravagant arrangement. The most extravagant she'd ever seen. But even she had to admit it was beautiful. Looking at it, she couldn't recall Ron buying her flowers before... and definitely not like the array in front of her.

Hermione opened the card gingerly, almost as if she didn't want to know the content of the letter.


I still can't believe that you and Blaise are going to the gala together.

That really puts a damper on my plans. That does not make me happy in the slightest.

But I am willing to forgive you. Have lunch with me today. Then I may forgive you or not.

Draco Malfoy

Hermione called for one of the Ministry owls to come to her window so that she could send her own letter. She watched as it went until it was a mere speck in the sky.


Draco was actually in the middle of a business transaction when an owl came swooping into his office. He stared at the ugly grey owl unsure of what to make of it.

"I'm sorry, if you would just excuse me for a second." He said.

He took the envelope from the owl seeing that on the front in nice cursive font was

Hermione Granger

Head of Magic Perversion


Wow, what a way to sound like a spoiled brat.

But I accept.



The flowers are unnecessary but they are gorgeous.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Only Granger would have the guts to be so blunt to him.


Hermione sent Harry's chocolate to the Auror department knowing that it would get to him. She just wasn't quite ready to reveal herself to him. It wasn't that she was embarrassed. It was more of she knew that Harry may not approve and at the moment that was the last thing she needed. She needed all her friends right now and most of all Harry.

Hermione rubbed her temple.

Ginny had called her last night and made her tell everything but she hadn't or more like couldn't. Her and Malfoy had promised each other they wouldn't tell anyone and that included Ginny. So instead she had told Ginny that Malfoy had barged into her office and her life again out of the blue. Which was true. She had also said that Malfoy had helped her heal from Ron's deception and heartbreak. Which was also true. But she had said that it was time for a change. Which was true but that wasn't why she looked like what she did now. It wasn't as if she was going to tell Ginny that Malfoy had decided to give her a makeover with the help of a gorgeous Scandinavian hair dresser. So Ginny knew it was her who was the mystery woman. 

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