Part 1

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          When Lilly gave birth to Harry and Timmy she couldn't have been more proud. Harry and Timmy both had bright green eyes, and proud faces. But while Harry's hair was jet black Timmy's hair was an ugly shade of brown. Harry was small while Timmy was large. She and James loved their babies with all their hearts. So on October 31st 1981 they were sad to go.

          "Come on Prongs and Mrs. Prongs. It's time to go!" yelled Sirius. "All right, but what's the big rush Padfoot? Do you have someone waiting for you?" yelled back James. "That's none of your business Prongs!" "What do you mean it's not my business? All I did was ask." "Boys stop fighting. James if he doesn't want to tell you, you should respect that. Sirius we are taking this long because we have to say goodbye to the babies." Lilly explained.

          "You now you'll see them again, their in excellent hands." Sirius said back. "Ok, we are leaving now. Peter, you know we'll be back at 3 right?" asked James. "Y-yes Ja-James." Peter studered. So they left, little did they know that they had made the worst decision in their life.

           Voldemort walked into the room, "That was easier then I thought." he says. "Y-yes my lord. I-I have done as y-you have c-command. T-the children a-are upstairs." Peter stuttered out. "Good." Voldemort smirked. This will be to easy. He walked up the stairs  calmly and blasted the door open just for fun. He saw the two babies and smirked, they were so tiny. "Now, which one do I kill?" he thought out loud. Then he saw Harry's jet black hair and thought, yes, him I shall kill.

          So he took out his wand and screamed "AVADA KEDAVRA" and shot out the deadly green light. It struck Harry, and rebounded on Voldemort. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed. Then he transformed into a puff of smoke. Peter, frightened ran of into the night. As Peter ran a piece of ruble hit Timmy's eyebrow and left a cut shaped like a squiggle. Then the clock struck 3 and laughter came and suddenly stopped. 

          Dumbledore walked in to the room and saw Timmy's cut and so he picked him up and brought him downstairs not even glancing at Harry. Lilly was crying on the floor over her ruined home. Then Dumbledore pronounced that Timmy was the boy who lived. But this all happened 5 years ago.

Hey Readers! How was this for a crappy first chapter? I know that this could be better but cut me some slack okay. Any way thanks for reading so far. So Live learn and love Harry Potter.


Rowen <3

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