Serenity.(i did not draw art.) (rinmarugames)

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Name: Serenity Wisteria.

Species: Half Breed (Angel/Demon)

Age: 18(looks), is actually like 1,000-

Height: 5'6

Weight: 137 pounds. (Average weight)

Body type: soft edges, curvy.

Hair color: blonde

Hair length: down to her hips

Hair style: braided 99% of the time, ponytail sometimes, down rarely.

Eye color: sky blue

Iris shape: catlike.

Wings: 2 pairs. Soft, feathered.

Wing color: one pair snowy white, the other pair raven black.

when she wants to be fancy: she wears a black, knee-length dress, 1 inch heels, silver earrings that look like roses.

Normal clothing: A red Doctor Who graphic tshirt that says "keep calm and don't blink" with the picture of a weeping angel above the words, blue jeans, and dark converse. She wears a pendant necklase of a sword that is wrapped with a rose vine and has a rose at the hilt.

Personality: kind, can be funny, sometimes a bit defensive. Treats people with respect. Sometimes soft spoken, not easily upset, takes criticism well.

Outlook on life: tries to be positive. Sometimes can't be Positive

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