
27 2 1

-Alexander Brown-

"ALICE!" I yelled as she walked away from me, probably sad and hurt. I know that she doesn't want to see me right now, so I don't go after her.

"ALICE! PLEASE COME BACK! IM SORRY!" I keep yelling and keep trying, but I fail. When she turns the corner, I stop because I know she wouldn't turn back around when she's in this mood.

I give up and turn to close her locker that she left open, when I feel all eyes on me. I look around and everyone is staring at me.

Let me give you a little back ground info on me and my school. I am the King of my school. If anyone does anything I don't like, they instantly regret it. They are all like my minions, well.. everyone except Alice. The teachers even give me straight A's because of how terrifying I am. And because Alice is my Queen, they won't even think about hurting her.

So when I see them all staring at me, I instantly yell "GET THE FUCK BACK TO CLASS!"

It's funny how they all scurry along to their class. Now I got to get to class or I'm going to be late. But I know these teacher won't give a damn since they're scared of what will happen if they put me as fucking tardy.

(After School)

I see Alice as she sits and waits in the car on the passenger seat. She's still upset and as soon as see that, I instantly frowns. I walk over and get in the car. "So.. um.. I'm really sor-" I start to say, but she cuts me off. "Oh save the sappy shit for when you really mean it." Damn that kind of hurt. She is the only one who can emotionally hurt me, but that rarely happens.

So I drive and it is awkward and silent as hell. Every time I try to talk, she keeps cutting me off. Damn she can be so feisty some times, but I love it.

When we got home and we walked upstairs, I looked at her and saw guilt in her eyes. I stared at her and and at her lips. I wanted to give her a kiss that meant sorry, but I knew she would slap me as hard as she could. And I don't need our parents walking in asking why are our children kissing.

So I just said, "I'm sorry I raised my voice at you. I was just furious that he was with you when I made it specifically fucking clear that no guys should be around you." She still looked mad at me, but this time she asked me a question that I never thought she would ask.


I was so confused, so I asked "Why what?"

"Why do you have to treat me like I'm your girlfriend? Why do you have to be so over protective of me?"

And then she asked a big question that struck me in my heart.

"Why do you act like your madly in love with me?!"

I just stood there and kept repeating the last question over and over in my head. I could see that she instantly regretted asking that question because she immediately gave me a hug and buried her face in my shirt and kept saying "I'm really sorry" over and over and over again.

It was adorable, so I kissed the top of her head and we went in my room to watch a horror movie.

I personally love watching horror movies with girls because they like to cuddle up against you since they're scared.

So we were watching it while she was laying down on my chest. She was wearing a big shirt with underwear and I was just wearing sweats.

But it was nice to feel her up against me as she fell asleep. Eventually, I slowly drifted to sleep.

I hope you guys liked Chapter 2. Sorry again it was so short, I'm on my way to school so I can't do that much. Anyway, bye and thanks for reading!

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