Dare 31: Even more drunk!

Start from the beginning

Sketch: Lier, lier! Pants on fire!

Alex: I'm on fire?! Someone get the fire exstenquisher!

Sub: No...you're not on fire!

Alex: But Mcdonald hair boi said I was

Sketch: Stop makin fun of my hair! >:(

Alex: Stop saying I'm on fire

Sketch: I didn't! I said...nevermind

Alex: See! Lier

Denis: Wow...

Alex: Ow

Denis: What?

Alex: What?

Denis: -_-

Corl: Why did you say ow?

Alex: Because I got hurt!

Sketch: You're not dying are you?

Alex: I don't think so...or am I?! I think I'm dying!

Sub: You're not dying silly

Alex: I'm not silly! I'm April!

Sketch: April?

Alex: Yes my name is April! Stoopid Mcdonalds boi

Sketch: Stop calling me that!

Alex: I'm not calling you! I don't have my phone!

Sub: That's not what he meant!

Alex: Don't yell at me D:

Sub: I didn't!

Alex: You did!

Sub: Mkay, sure

Alex: I'M A...WIZARD!

Sketch: I knew it! I called it!

Alex: You called it?! You called pennywise?

Sketch: That's- no...

Alex: You'll float too George! >:)

Corl: Now you're acting creepy....I don't like it

Alex: I don't like it either...he's scary

Denis: Who?

Alex: It!

Sub: Pennywise?

Alex: Don't say it's name! He'll come for us!

Sub: You're just being silly

Alex: I told you my name is April!

Sub: Alright, April!

Alex: Thank you c:

Denis: Haha, April...That's a month!

Alex: A moth? I hate moths >:(

Sketch: Who doesn't?

Alex: Me

Sketch: What?


Denis: Whoo memes!


Corl: Wow...


Sketch: Yeah we get it...and I like hot pockets

Alex: Hot lockets?

Sketch: Pockets!

Alex: Why would you want a hot pocket?! You're pants would be hot!

Sketch: Not that pocket...

Sub: Ha

Sketch: Shut up

Alex: Shut dowwwwwn....

Corl: Shut sideways

Alex: I'M A DRAGON *jumps off table*

Sketch: Shut up...nerd

Alex: I'm not a bird! You Mcdonalds boi!

Sketch: Oh my god...

Alex: Oh my bod? Ooo look at boddd

Denis: W o w


Sketch: What? What now?

Alex: I have a weird loop around my finger!

Denis: That's a ring...

Alex: A ring?! Does it give me magic powers?!

Denis: Yeah...I gives you the power to be married

Alex: Married?! Who am I married too!

Denis: Me

Alex: You?

Denis: Yes

Alex: No

Sub: Maybe

Corl: Not a chance

Sketch: Slightly

Alex: YES!

Denis: Just...stop

Alex: Just go!

Sketch: No

Alex: Stop rhyming!

Sketch: You stop rhyming

Alex: I'm not! I'm a bot!

Sub: Welp, looks like you're going to be taking over the world

Alex: But I can't hold the world in my hand :c

Sub: No what I meant

Alex: I think I'm about to die!

Sketch: No you're not

Alex: Yes I- *passes out*

Sub: Well...that's over

Madi: Alright, we ending it hereee! Thanks for the dare and stay tuned for moar!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now