1 Part Two: Dmitri

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Dmitri was woken by gunshots. The man was usually a sound sleeper, but having grown up hearing them constantly, he didn't like the fact that he had heard one in Paris. He got out of his bed and grabbed a lantern, making his way towards the directions of the shots. "Anya?" He called out. No response. Dmitri walked faster, practically running towards the door of Anya's room. He flung it open and gasped at what he saw. It was like his father and Vlad, all mixed up in some terrible, nightmarish sight.
     There, lying on the floor, was Anya. Even though her dress was red as well, you could clearly tell that she was bleeding. "Anya!" Dmitri cried out, rushing towards her. She looked to be in shock, her mouth open in a small oh, and her eyes wide. "Anya!" Dmitri said, shaking her. "Anya please!" But Anya simply lied  there, bleeding, but already dead from the wound. "Anya, no, please, don't do this to me! Anya please wake up, I can't handle another loved one dying!"
     He continued to shake her, desperately trying jar her from her sleep, but it soon became clear that there was no point. Anya, his precious, beautiful, stubborn, and funny Anya, was dead. Dmitri looked at her, and cried. He wasn't one for crying, he didn't even cry when his father died, but now he was sobbing. Deep, hiccuping sobs that shook his body. Dmitri closed Anya's eyes and shut her mouth, giving her a peaceful look. At least she's with her family. He thought.
     Dmitri walked towards Vlads room, not sure if he could bring himself to say it. "Vlad, wake up." He said. Vlad turned towards Dmitri. "Dmitri, what's wrong?" Vlad asked, seeing Dmitri's face soaked with tears. "Anya is-Anya is dead." Dmitri said, choking out the last word. "Are you mad? Of course she's not dead, you've just had a nightmare." "I wish it was. Just, get Lily and The Empress and meet me in her room."
     Dmitri walked off towards Anya's room, but he didn't enter until the others arrived.                
     He opened the door and looked at the ground as everyone gasped at the sight. The Empress  broke down, sobbing and muttering "No, no." Over and over again. Lilly just stood there, hands over her mouth in shock. Vlad just looked at the floor. Finally, Dmitri asked "What are we going to do?"
       "What are we going to do?" The Empress snapped. "We're going to bury her, of course." "But what about the public?" Lilly asked. "We'll cover it up, say she never existed. I've been through too much on top of this, I can't handle the press questioning me day and night." "And the person who did it?" Vlad asked. "We'll find them and make sure they pay." Dmitri said. "Yes, they will." The Empress agreed.
       The funeral was a week later, though everyone had to force themselves to go. Dmitri couldn't even look at the casket without breaking down. One day,  while he was visiting the grave, a man showed up. He was dressed in a Bolshevik uniform, something that Dmitri would reginize anywhere. "What are you doing here?" Dmitri asked, his voice cold as a Russian winter night. "Coming to pay my respects." The man said. "How do you-?" Dmitri suddenly realized something. "You!" He suddenly snarled.
       "You killed her!" "You don't know that." The man replied. "No one knows about this, you only possibly know because you were there. And why would a Bolshevik be here other than too kill a Romanov?" The man shrugged. "You caught me. But what are you gonna do, have me arrested?" "Yes." Dmitri replied. "Well I won't go easily." The man said, pulling out his gun. "I'm not afraid to make you join her."
      Dmitri thought. There was nothing left for him here, now that Anya was dead. At least he would be with her. "Do it. Anya was the only thing I had left and now she's gone. It only makes since that we're together." "Alright then." The man said. He walked over too Dmitri and put the gun too his head. "I'm Gleb Vaganov, by the way. I thought you should know the name of the man that killed you. "I wish I didn't. Dmitri said. "It makes him seem more human." Gleb laughed.
Then, quick as a blink, he pulled the trigger, and Dmitri crumpled to the ground, his soul happily reuniting with his Anya.

And that's part two! Hope everyone's doing great and feel free to leave some feedback below!

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