Chapter 1. Boo!

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_____'s Point Of View

Luigi and I walked down the eerie stone path down to the place Luigi dreaded most. As we walked past the gate I could feel the strangely cold heat from the spectral aqua coloured flames.

"Don't worry Luigi, you have me here, what could possibly go wrong?" I said, patting Luigi on the back.
He was shaking before muttering, "everything."

I sighed.
Luigi always was such a scaredy cat.

You and him go a long ways back. You and him were best friends a long time ago. He used to vent to you about his brother, Mario, and how he envied his brother's popularity. Even back then, Mario was still popular while Luigi was left sitting in his shadow. Mario love Luigi, that was a fact but that still didn't change the fact that the toads usually had no idea who Luigi was. Some didn't even know that Mario even had a brother.

You two had grown a part though. You wanted to be a seer or a magician, dealing with paranormal entities and using magic, when you got older while Luigi just wanted to be a simple plumber, a nice stable job with hardly anything more to worry about other than some major pipe corrosion.

Luigi place his white gloved hand on the old cedar door with a creak.

Luigi gulped.

I took the first step. I immediately sensed a bunch of presences.I walked for a bit, before hearing a faint echoed laugh.

Luigi pulled his Poltergust 3000, as I backed up a bit. There it was, a plump little boo, staring at us in a semi-cute mostly creepy way.

Luigi sucked up the ghost quickly, as it attempted a retreat.

Luigi looked at me,
I just gave him a thumbs up.

Soon we heard more childish laughter.
More laughter means more boos.
Luigi readied his poltergust 3000 once more, as 3 more ghosts showed up, 2 were just ordinary, but the other one was a purple mouse.

Luigi attempted to suck them up, but was unable to catch the mouse.

The mouse scaled the wall, then leaping on Luigi, biting him.


I attempted to kick it off, but it fled, as I ended up hitting Luigi.
Luigi hissed in pain.

"Ohmygoshareyouokay?" I sputtered.
"No... No I'm not okay..." Luigi said slowly, before falling unconscious.

Oh great, I'm in a haunted mansion, and the trained expert on catching ghosts is unconscious...

Just then I heard even more giggling from the other room.

I grabbed the vacuum thingy off of Luigi's back as I raced into the room.

There was something I hoped I didn't find...

A poltergeist.

I prepared to vacuum up the poltergeist as it drew near, when suddenly a boo flew through my face, making my face feel ice cold and numb as it passed though and blinded me.

In those short seconds, the poltergeist took its chance and prepared to grab me and take me to its' king.

Ghost Of A Feeling (King Boo/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now