Time for the real deal.

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Hi! Let's do the truths. And dares. Dares are the best.

Author POV

"Alright. Lacrima's here, and everyone is here too." I said.

"Let's start with Mira. I will ask you first."

"Okey dokey!"

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Mira said with her satan soul.

"Kiss Laxus!"

*Mira turns back to her real form and starts blushing.*

"What? I can't do that!"

"Whaaaaaaa!?!?!" Laxus exclaimed.

"Mira, your gonna get zapped."

"Fine fine! I'll do it!"

"And you have to do it for 1 minute. And do it like you're a couple."

"Uuuuuuuuh. Fine."


"You can stop now!"

"She's not stopping. Their enjoying! Yayayayyaayyayayayayyayay!" I said.

She finally let go. She was blushing red cheeks!

"Mira gets 100 points!"

"Tr-truth or dare Gray." Mira asked still blushing from her love attack.

"Mmmmmm, truth."

"D-do you like J-Juvia?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no."


"Juvia is sad!" Juvia said sobbing.

"He likes you Juvia. A lot actually." I said

"Is that true?"

"Compared to the lacrima yes."

"Juvia is glad!"

"Ok fine! I love Juvia!" Gray said embarrassed.

"Gray gets 50 points!"

"Truth or dare Juvia?" Gray asked.


"D-do you love me?"

"Juvia loves you to the end of her heart!" Juvia said hugging Gray.

"Truth or dare Lucy." Juvia said still hugging Gray.


"I dare you to kiss Natsu."

"This is very unlike Juvia." I said.

"Whaaaaaaaa!?!?!?!" Lucy said.

"Lucy, you gotta do it." Natsu said.

"Y-you too Natsu!?!?"

"Well you want those points right?"

"Well ya but,"

"But what? Are you scared?"

"Well duh!"

"Lucy, 30 more seconds till you'll get zapped!" I said.

"Gonna do it!" Lucy said.


"Too short." I said.

"Well how long is it supposed to be?" Lucy asked.

"Same as Mira. 1 minute."


Truth or dare with FairyTail!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt