idk what to name it

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Even though the school only serves crappy food it was better than nothing the girls grabbed what they wanted punched in their pen and went to go find a table to sit at they usually always have the same table unless it was sold already even though Rosie was a big person Bella wasn't if she often chose to sit by herself. Breakfast was an extremely long so she didn't really have much time to eat. The bell went off she was extremely sad that she already had to start school but at least heard Rosie were the same classes and their was also Sam😍. She doesn't know what about him made her so attracted to him but she knew from the moment that she saw him she knew she was loved. Her and Rosie rush to class after gathering their stuff. They settled into their seats which were seated right next to each other. Bella started drawing and spaced-out until class started.

Sorry its so short right now I'm sick and I have school so I'm a bit distracted

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