Chapter Three: The Boy Who Lived

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The next day dawned a bright morning, the sun pouring through your window and waking you up. You sat up immediately and stretched. Maybe you could convince your parents to take you to get your Hogwarts stuff today. It never hurt to be prepared early, right?

You slipped out of bed and went to brush your teeth and hair, and to wash your face with cold water to wake yourself up. This done, you walked downstairs and saw the rest if your family already up.

Your brothers and sister were playing a game of Cheat, a card game they had found the idea for in one of the books they got from the library.

Your mother turned to you just as you opened your mouth to mention the fact that you wanted to get your Hogwarts stuff and smiled. "I expect you'll be wanting to go to Diagon Alley for your stuff?"

Your mouth hung open a bit. "How'd you know?"

"Honey, I was a kid once too," your mother gave you another smile while dishing some eggs onto your plate.

Your dad looked up from what he was doing. "You're taking her then, (mom's name)?"

"Mhm," your mom replied.

You felt the butterflies start up in your stomach again. FINALLY. It was happening after all! You almost thought it was a dream. You were beyond ecstatic as you wolfed down your eggs and toast. You ran to get dressed and grinned like an idiot all the way.

When you came back down, your mom was waiting for you by the door. "Ready, sweetie?"

"As I'll ever be." You replied with another grin.

You and your mom got into the car and your mom pulled out of the driveway. She started explaining things to you on the way, since she was unaware that you already knew all that. You had only read through the first three books and a bit of the fourth, but still, you knew.

"So, first we have to stop by the wizarding bank, Gringotts, to exchange some muggle money for wizard money. Then I say we stop by Flourish and Blott's to pick up some of your books and quills. Then Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions, to get your robes. Then..."

You kinda tuned out her voice as your brain worked in overtime picturing what it would be like when you got to Hogwarts. You hoped you could be good friends with the Golden Trio.

The next thing your knew, you had arrived at a rusty-looking place called the Leaky Cauldron. Your mother motioned for you to follow as she went inside. You grinned and followed her, still thinking about Harry and the gang.

As you walked inside, you saw everyone crowding around to shake someone's hand. A very large man was standing- wait. Is that HAGRID?!

You nearly squealed and ran up to shake the boy's hand, since you knew exactly who he was now. But you restrained yourself, because your mom didn't know that you knew all this stuff

"Hey mum, who's that?" You pointed to Harry.

"Oh, that's Harry Potter, the boy who lived. You should go shake his hand, he's pretty famous."

"Pretty" famous isn't really accurate, mom, you thought, more like the-whole-wizarding- world-knows-about-him famous.

Nevertheless, you got in line to shake his hand. When you got to the front, you nearly fainted. You just stared for a minute, taking in his ever-messy cute raven black hair, the broken spectacles, and the dazzling emerald green eyes behind them. Who knew the Boy Who Lived could be so attractive?

Your breath caught in your throat as he gave you a smile and held a hand out to shake.

"I'm Harry Potter, you?" You almost fainted again when he spoke. Why did his voice have to be so wonderful? WHY WAS HE SO PERFECT?!

"(Y-Y/F/N)... pleasure to meet you, Harry." You stuttered slightly.

"You too." He gave another halfhearted smile. "This is all new to me," he said in a low voice. "I don't really know how to act."

You grinned and laughed a bit. "Well, you better shake the next person's hand. I need to get my stuff with my mom. See you at Hogwarts?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Yep."

You waved goodbye and walked back to your mother, who was, again, waiting by the door.

"I think I just made friends with a famous person, mum."

Your mother laughed. "I think you did. Now let's go get your stuff."


So, that is the new chapter! Comment to tell me what you think, and vote if you like it ;)

Yes, rn I'm having an idea burst but it probably won't always be like this. I'm going to have to come up with some sort of chapter-posting schedule...

Anyway, don't worry! It's probably only a chapter or two away from...


~your friendly neighborhood cat, Sundra

The Girl with a Wish (Harry Potter x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant