Forbidden Love

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Why is it that wolves and foxes can't be together? Why is it forbidden? Why can't I just follow my heart and be with whoever I want? Foxes are too neat and tidy, and to strict . . . Oh right you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Well, my name is Abigale and I'm a fox, or well, a were-fox I guess and even though its forbidden I'm in love with a were-wolf . . . his name is Nate, he's so sweet and kind and also funny, he's just . . . perfect. And to top it all off, he loves me too.

For years my family stayed together, we were happy and we stayed away from any wolves. I was taught that they'd kill me if I went near them . . . that they were vicious and dangerous. I had my mother, Scarlet, my father, Charlie, and my older sister, Lorna and that was all I needed to be happy . . . or so I thought.

I met HIM when I was just a kit. I had snuck away from my family as I couldn't sleep, something in my heart was telling me to go to the large tree we lived by. The moon was high up in the sky that night. I stared at it and its beauty.

It was then that I noticed that I wasn't alone . . . there was a young wolf pup who was around my age sitting by the tree and staring at the moon as well. He then looked at me and . . . gave me a wolfie smile? I didn't even know animals could smile like that, especially not wolves like him. I backed up a bit in fear as what my parents taught me repeated in my head.

"Don't go anywhere near wolves, if they see you they'll attack you, they might even kill you! It's too dangerous to even THINK of being near a wolf." My father had said

"Not only are they dangerous they're messy and out of control, they have no discipline whatsoever! Also even if they don't kill you immediately and you manage to make friends with them, they'll end up betraying you and THEN killing you. Wolves just can't be trusted." My mother had said

I was scared of him.

He whimpered when I cowered away from him, this made me freeze just long enough for him to come close and sniff me. It was weird how he wasn't harming me like I thought he would, I still didn't move.

He then laid down but kept his bum in the air, his tail wagging back and forth. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. He then stood up and shifted into his human form and sat down. I stared at him with wide eyes. Even though in my family since we start as just foxes and when we shift we usually just stay naked, it was weird seeing non-foxes being in human form and naked.

"That position I was in means do you wanna play, do foxes not do that? Do they do something else instead?" I heard him question me.

I liked his voice. He had his hair all flopped to one side with one side of his head being shaved.

I shifted to my own human form, my long wavy orange hair falling down my bare back.

"Y-you aren't going to hurt me? But . . . isn't that what wolves do? Hurt and kill?"

"NO! We don't, we're actually taught that that's what foxes do but, you don't have an evil vibe like they say your kind does. Plus you were scared of me, I didn't mean to scare you, you see I live with my older sister, Veronica, alone and so I don't get to play with others much. Also you're really pretty!" he said kinda rushing as he got to the end.

Wait d-did he just call me pretty? I blushed when I realised what he said about me. Why would a wolf call me pretty? Maybe it's just because he's lonely.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when a hand is waved in front of my face. I lean back startled by the sudden movement so close to my face. I didn't even realise I wasn't paying attention anymore.

"Are you ok? OH YEAH! I'm Nate by the way! What's your name?"

His look of slight worry disappears into a bright smile as he sticks his hand out for me to shake . . . when did he get so close to me again? Our bare knees are almost touching and . . . oh my gosh! He's not covering anything at all!

I shake his hand and look at his face, not letting my blue eyes wander from his own grey ones. "M-my name i-is Abigale, its um, nice to meet you Nate . . ." I mumble out, embarrassed at being this close to him while being naked and not in the same family or even being the same animal.

We ended up playing a few games and talking for a while. I got over the embarrassment of us both being naked and enjoyed being with him. We would shift between our two forms constantly as a way to avoid getting tagged or to make hiding easier.

"I should go back to my family, they might be wondering where I am. Maybe we can meet again?" I said with a sad smile as I hugged him.

He hugged me back and nodded before we agreed to meet here every night unless we say otherwise the previous nights. We then went our separate ways to our families.

We've been doing this every night since then. We were about 4 or 5 back then, we're now both about 17, I look forward to meeting him every time. He's still such a sweet boy, I'm glad I met him that night oh so long ago.

Maybe one day we can be together . . . or maybe we can run away together.

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