Chapter One

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Cuphead woke up to someone jumping on top of him. He growled pushing the figure off of him. They landed with a big thud.

" Owe!"

Mugman rubbed his head glaring at the cup. Does he not realize what today is? He yanked the covers off making Cuphead complain about the cold.

" It's our birthday! Get your lazy ass up!"

Cuphead sighed sitting up. He didn't see the big deal about it. He's eighteen now. So what? He climbed out of bed heading towards his wardrobe. He changed into his usual uniform Mugman coming to his side while doing so.

" I thought you would be excited!"

" It's just another year in the hellhole. Why would it mean anything to me? It's not like I'm allowed to drink or smoke now. I've been doing that since I became the King's servant."

" Cuphead..."

" I gotta go Mugs. See you later tonight."

Cuphead was about to walk out the door when he saw how depressed his brother looked.

" Your present is in the closet. Happy birthday."

Cuphead gave him a quick hug before leaving. Mugman smiled heading towards his closet and opened it to see a pretty wrapped object. He tore off the wrapping paper not wanting to be late for the Devil's work today. A book was revealed. Cuphead knew how much his brother loved reading. It was mystery novel called Never Alone. He held it close to his chest smiling.

" There you are."

King Dice had been patiently waiting for Cuphead. He didn't give a reply. The cup just merely started cleaning the casino preparing for the the day of sinners. King Dice just stared at him. Something seemed off with him today.

" You ok Cuphead?"

Cuphead just gave him a blank look. He was secretly surprised though that King Dice seemed concerned. His servant just gave a nod reassuring him before getting back to work. Soon, gamblers and prostitutes filled the floors. King Dice of course sweet talked them into giving up their souls. The dear dice could convince anyone to promising them false hopes of riches and glory.

Cuphead remembered when he fell for it twelve years ago. He put his trust into the man believing every word his said.

" Trust me kid. You could become rich. Just roll the dice and your wildest dreams can come to life."

Cuphead wished he never of listened to his sweet words. If he knew he was such a vile man, he would of just walked away and wouldn't look back. He wished he could whoop his ass sometimes.

( Remember since they didn't make the deal of going after the debtors, that's means Elder Kettle never gave him or his brother the potion, so that means no super powers.)

The time moved slowly. Occasionally, Cuphead saw his brother a few times, but he mostly stayed in the Devil's office. Cuphead what about to serve someone their drinks, but someone grabbed his buy the arm.

" Hey handsome~"

It was a drunk middle aged candy woman. Cuphead shoved her away not having the patience to deal with any bullshit. This didn't make her very happy though. Cuphead's anger soon yearned into fear as a double barrel candy can shotgun magically appeared in her hands.

" H-Hey lady! Why don't you you put the-"


Cuphead stood still not aware of the screaming of the frightened crowd around him. He grasped at his chest only able to hear his heart beat racing rapidly. King Dice currently was trying to calm down the crowd. He was horribly failing at it though. That's when he saw Cuphead ahead.

" Cuphead! What are you doing just standing there boy!? Help me out here!"

Cuphead turned around to the sound of his boss's voice. King Dice gasped shaking at the sight. He ran towards his servant watching his chest practically cave in on itself.

" King... Dice.."

The dice headed man caught the cup before he fell. He picked him up bridal style running towards the closest thing they had to a doctor. Mr. Wheeze went to Medical School, but he never got the chance to graduate because of one night at the casino.

" Mr. Wheeze! Help! Cupheads hurt!"

King Dice felt himself crumbling on the inside. Cuphead has been his obedient servant for six years! King Dice would never admit to it, but he fount him as an important companion. The cigar was at the bar when King Dice fount him. He placed him on the counter hoping no pieces fell behind.

" What the hell happened?!"

Mr. Wheeze looked down at the poor china. He could tell where he was fighting sleep afraid he wouldn't wake up. He didn't utter a word at his eyes stayed on Dice. Cuphead was shocked to see tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Cuphead gave him a fake smile not wanting to see the man cry. This surprised King Dice. The cup has never once smiled at him before.

Mr. Wheeze immediately went to work not sure how how he possibly was gonna do this. He didn't have any of the proper tools for this sort of operation! He didn't try to show his panic though. Instead, he focused on the patient.

Cuphead has never been in so much pain in his entire life. Pretty much the whole staff including his brother surrounded him. Mugman was in tears. His brother repeatedly wiped them away though. He didn't dare say anything cause he knows it'll probably end in a scream.

Hours passed. Mr. Wheeze was feeling better and more confident now knowing they had all the pieces. King Dice, Mugman, and the Devil were the only ones who stayed during the whole surgery. The Devil sadly can't heal or bring any from dead. Well, not fully from the dead.

Cuphead was actually thinking about excepting death if it stopped this torture. A face of triumph then made its way to Mr. Wheeze's face. He then told Cuphead it was okay to go to sleep now.

And that's what he did.

Your Obedient Servant ( King Dice X Cuphead )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz