v. the aftermath

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If there was one thing Jules knew for certain is was that she had never ran that fast before, and probably never would again.  But, the moment she realized that Molly's flash had most likely alerted the parents that they were all there, Jules  had never wanted to leave a place so quickly, especially after what they had just witnessed.   What even was it that they had just witnessed?

"Hurry," Alex exclaimed, egging the seven of them forward down the hall.

"I'm running as fast as I can, Alex," Jules snapped back as she kept up with Chase next to her.

"What if they didn't see us?" Nico asked, her voice breathy as she gasped for air.

"Well, then we're getting in our cardio," Chase replied, barely even sounding tired.  If there was one thing Jules couldn't agree with more it was the fact that this was definitely going to be her exercise for the day. 

"They definitely saw something," Karolina stammered, her long legs carrying her as fast as they could.  She was right behind Jules and Chase.

Behind Karolina was Gert who was in the middle of glaring at the young girl who was running beside her.  "Way to go, Molly!"

"I said I'm sorry!" Was all Molly could get back.

The teens ran as hard as they could toward the exit, only slowing once they got to the stairs.  This time around, Jules didn't have time to admire the patterns on the walls.

"Shit," Alex muttered at the completely dark stairwell.  Slowly it dawned on Jules as to what the boy was upset about.  The door at the top was closed.  If it had been open then there would have been light; therefore, no light equals no door.  "Which one of you guys shut the door behind us?"

Karolina's face paled, "Are we trapped down here?"

"We're going to have to push it open," Jules suggested before beginning to push against the doors.  Alex came up beside her and began to help.

"God, it won't budge" Alex exclaimed exasperatedly.  "It must be locked."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Wilder, but a little upper body strength may help."  With a smirk, Chase stepped toward the door.  Jules happily got out of his way to give him a shot.  In doing so she very well knew that there was no way he was going to get them open.  With a grunt Chase pushed against the door before eventually giving up.  "Heavier than it looks."

"Yeah, everyone, come on, push together," Alex stated.  And so they did.  All seven of them shoved against the door as hard as they could and it still wasn't budging.

"I hear footsteps," Molly stated nervously.

With that extra motivation, everyone must have pushed a little harder because suddenly the doors opened, sending the seven teens sprawling across the floor.  Just as quickly as it opened, to door shut behind them and they were all on their feet again.

"Lets keep moving," Alex said, practically dragging Jules up off the ground where she had fallen and toward the door leading out of the study.  Hand in hand, Jules and Alex raced toward the guest house, the others in close pursuit.  When they were just feet away from the safety and shelter of the guest house, however, Alex stopped abruptly.

"What the hell, Alex?" Jules urged, pulling him toward the guest house.  Against what she would have liked, though, Alex stood his ground.  His only response was a shake of his head.

"You guys should go into the guest house," Alex informed the group.  "I have an idea."

"Yeah?" Chase questioned. Finally he sounded a little out of breath, probably something the rising lacrosse star wast used to.  "What if it's a stupid idea that makes things worse?"

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