La Bella Natalia- Chapter Three

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I stood in the market with Lucrezia picking out new material for little Giovanni and Amara.

"Oh beautiful" I commented smiling holding some up to Amara

"Natalia look at this one" Lucrezia showed me then did the same to Giovanni. I felt a hand on my back

"Cesare!" we both chimed and hugged him

"Good morning sis, Natalia"

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Let me take you both back home"

"We would have a look through the market" Lucrezia replied and we both went back to looking

"No, it's getting hot." I turned back around furrowing my eyebrows

"What's wrong?" Lucrezia asked

"Nothing" he lied

"You can't hide things from me brother."

"I'll take you both through the square." he tried to lead us a way but a shout caught our attention.

"Cut him down!"

"It's a boy!" there was commotion further down and Lucrezia looked to Cesare as a awful feeling raised within me.

"No" she whispered

"Lucrezia!" Cesare and I ran after her . We pushed our way through a crowd.

"Don't look" Cesere pulled her

"Then pluck my eyes out" she cried and went to the dead body of what my fears were confirmed. Paolo. She cried on his body and I went to comfort her.

"You think this is a spectacle?" Cesare growled

"Shh Lucrezia, shhhh"

"Paolo!" she lifted him up

"You like to stare at tears. Go Away!"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. it's all my fault" she cried

"It was a suicide" Cesare tried to reassure her but it did not work and only made her worse.

"I am still to blame" she replied  "I took his love, I took his kindness, I took his child...And the pity was he loved a Borgia.

"Lucrezia that is not a crime, my love it is a gift. He love you not because of your name but because of who you are. You were loved and you loved him back." I  stroked her back.

"Please, my love, don't blame yourself. He left a note. It was a suicide he left a note. My dear Lucrezia i bid farewell" But that could not be possible. Lucrezia looked at me she had the same thoughts. We both knew that Paolo could not read and could not write so how did the note get there. There was only one thing. It was Murder.

Lucrezia stood up and took a few steps before she stumbled. Cesare caught her and lifted her up into his arms. We walked back to the Vatican and to her chambers.

"Water! I need water! And a physician!" I called

"Yes my lady" came a reply

"I want to die"


"I want to die brother"

"Do not talk like that please" she was helped onto the bed

"I want to die"

"You have a child to care for" I told her. Just then both Giovanni and Amara started to cry.

"then we must both die."

"Go take care of Amara" Cesare told me and I nodded  I left taking my daughter with me. I sat nursing when Cesare came in.

"How is she "I asked

"She is distressed and Giovanni need to feed he has yet like Amara left his mothers breast"

"She will not let go of this lightly. We both know it was no suicide"

"What makes you think that"

"Lucrezia told me a lot of her lover, One of the things she did say was that he was Illiterate. So he couldn't kill himself and I know he wouldn't." Amara finished and I cleared her air ways before she fell asleep.

"How much do you love me Cesare"

"Beyond the moon my love."

"The way you feel for me and your daughter is the way.  Paolo felt for your sister and his child the same way. He would not take his own life. Nor would he write a note."

"So it was murder." i nodded

"I know it and she knows it."


It was the next morning and Giovanni still hadn't fed. His Holiness came in and spoke to Lucrezia once again. I had tried to give him my breast but he would not take.

"His fever grows" the nurse says and sit down before she cries

"The father of Giovanni took his own life" His Holiness says

"It would appear so" Cesare commented  and His Holiness came over to little Giovanni.

"And this poor child must feed. So his father must have what all suicides are forbidden. A Christian burial" I looked up

"So we admit it was no suicide." thank you Lord

"No, Rome is  a dangerous place"

"Far too dangerous." Cesare replied

"Will you perform the rite."



I stood there in support as Cesare performed the funeral for Paolo. Lucrezia held Giovanni

"Say goodbye to your father my love" she held him so he touched his father.

"You must cry for me, for I have no more tears." she said and I looked at Cesare then back at her. It was clear she felt hollow and that Paolo had taken a piece of her with him. We had all known that even though he did not admit it. Juan was behind Lucrezia's suffering and she would take it to heart. She left and we followed.

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